- Add a version info to your script references in *.html file
- node version >= 6.0.0
npm install gulp-file-version
#### Before
<script src="./common/app.js"></script>
### After
<script src="./common/app.js?v=12fa31"></script>
gulp.task("fv", function (cb) {
return gulp.src("./dist/*.html")//your source file
.pipe(fv())//use gulp-file-version to add version information of script and link's reference
##API #####fv(Regexp[, options]) Use custom regexp match source file.Add version info to the matched element, which is a file and must be existed. options: < Object >
- base: < String >specify the root path of the reference file path。default path is the directory where the gulpfile.js in。
- Hash: < String >The algorithm is dependent on the available algorithms supported by the version of OpenSSL on the platform.Examples are 'sha256', 'sha512', etc. Default is a sum of the ascii in file.
gulp.task("tv", function(cb){//匹配angularjs中templateUrl引用文件并添加版本信息
return gulp.src("./dist/**/*.js")
.pipe(fv(/templateUrl:["']{1}([\w./-]*)["']{1}/g,{base: "./app", Hash: "md5"}))
path ./app/assets.js
var something = {
var something = {
PS: the old version before 2.0.0 of has been deprecated.The new version is more easy to use,and less error.
- 为*.html文件的引用添加版本信息
- node 版本 >= 6.0.0
#### Before
<script src="./common/app.js"></script>
### After
<script src="./common/app.js?v=12fa31"></script>
gulp.task("fv", function (cb) {
return gulp.src("./dist/*.html")//你的源文件
##API #####fv(Regexp[, options]) 用自定义的正则表达式匹配源文件内容,为其中满足条件的匹配项(文件路径)添加版本信息(该文件必须存在,否则报错) options: < Object >
- base: < String >指定引用文件的根路径。默认为执行该任务所在文件的路径。
- Hash: < String >版本信息所使用的编码方式。默认为文件ascii码之和。可选"md5","sha256","sha512"。
gulp.task("tv", function(cb){//匹配angularjs中templateUrl引用文件并添加版本信息
return gulp.src("./dist/**/*.js")
.pipe(fv(/templateUrl:["']{1}([\w./-]*)["']{1}/g,{base: "./app", Hash: "md5"}))
path ./app/assets.js
var something = {
var something = {
PS: 2.0.0之前的旧版本已经弃用。新版本使用更为简单且错误更少。