The goal in this section is to perform segmentation of brain tumors (gliomas) on MRI-image data coming from the TCGA-GBM archive (also featured in the BraTS Challenge).
- TCGA-GBM data on the TCGA archive:
- BraTS challenge:
These files can be found inside the Gliomas folder.
Last year (September 2021) Feliciani et al., have made a dataset of Testicular Germ and Testicular Non-germ Cell Tumors public.
*The description of the dataset is below: * a) Original images:
T1-weighted (T1w) and T2-weighted (T2w MRI images in DICOM format referring to scrotal region of patients affected by testicular neoplasm. All MR T2 and T1 weighted sequences were acquired with the same 1.5 T Scanner (Achieva Philips, Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands) by using a surface coil (Philips Sense Flex Medium coil). Sequences were acquired with the patients in feet first supine position. The surface coil was positioned over a towel covering the scrotum after adequate positioning of the penis raised and fixed to the lower abdominal wall. A peripheral venous access (19-gauge) was obtained in an antecubital fossa vein.
b) Contouring RadioTheraphy Structure Set: Manual contouring in DICOM format, performed by expert radiologists analysing the testis and the associated lesion. c) Summary of the characteristics of the patients: Excel Table reporting the demographic, clinical and visual characteristics of the patients. MAIN CONTACTS:
Giacomo Feliciani, IRCCS IRST Meldola, Italy. Email: [email protected] Lorenzo Mellini, Department of Morphology Surgery and Experimental Medicine, University of Ferrara, Italy. Email: [email protected]
The dataset can be freely downloaded at this address and the article can be found here