Frontend editing for Grav using contenttools
- Use Login link and login with "testuser" and "Test12345"
- Goto any blog-page and klcik on the blue pencil-icon in the upper left corner.
- Edit Content, finish with green checkmark button and the changes are written to .md-file
- image croping in dialog
- image size and placement does not work with uploaded images
- Problems
- getcontentools does not handle image in paragraphs
- find a way strip p tags and find a save the image at choosen position for floating and size.
- invesitgate
- make sure only markdown content is edited? Or what about twig content?
- Edit Page title/headline
- how to edit multi-language pages
- how to edit modular pages
- how to add site.editor access to users
- how to best login users on frontend
- Issue on grav-admin getgrav/grav-plugin-admin#173
- Possible related: getgrav/grav-plugin-admin#346
- Using onPageProcessed Event to wrap rendered content with editable div
- use login-Plugin and access:site.editor for user authentification
- warp javascript in a closure function and autoload on jQuery-pageready
- save changes to .md file
- Image upload and rotation via upload-dialog