Smart contract and basic service to solve payments in the Taller de Programacion 2' projects.
This repository uses the following tools:
- docker
- javascript
- mongodb
- datadog
- solidity
For local developement we used docker. To set upp docker environment please first run the following commands.
This command will create the mongodb database container and the container where we will run our web app:
docker-compose up --force-recreate -d
This command will let us interact with the web app's with bash:
docker exec -it fiuumberapipayments_web_1 bash
Then you have to rename the .env.example
to .env
and complete the environment variables declared inside with our data given by MetaMask.
Then, inside the container we can install the dependencies:
root@96d618aee885:/app# npm i
Then, we have to deploy our block chain by running:
root@96d618aee885:/app# npm run deploy-goerli
Then we can run our app with the following command:
root@96d618aee885:/app# npm run start
> [email protected] start
> node src/server
Afterwards we can go to http://localhost:8082/docs
and see the swagger documentation our backend service.
Another relevant commands are:
- Linter:
npm run lint
- Formatter:
npm run prettier
- Formatter:
npm run coverage