A website for the TangleTunes p2p music streaming service which allows new content to be uploaded to the platform.
The IOTA tangle and L2 chain can be deployed running the following command
docker compose up
More information about the chain deployed can be found in the wasp node dashboard at http://localhost:7000 or in the debug section of the website at http://localhost/debug/info. The smart contract must be deployed on the chain for the website to work and the source code in index.js must include the correct contract address.
Once the smart contract has been deployed the website must be restarted using the following commands:
- Remove the current distributor information
docker compose exec -it validator bash
# rm wallet/TangleTunes.toml wallet/database
- Rebuild and deploy the website container
docker compose build validator --no-cache && docker compose up validator -d
The code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.