A Tool for help you to inspect the location and some properties (see features section) of the component under mouse, in a window hierarchy
- CSS class name in javafx node components
- Field name of component declaration in parent (when possible)
- The inspected component is highlighted (since v1.1.0)
The inspector window is only shown if you hold down the CONTROL key when you move the mouse
JavaFX Component Inspector
Swing Component Inspector
Swing inside JavaFX
JavaFX inside Swing
Simple, one line of code to handle all:
Java FX Example
Add this line in the public void start(Stage primaryStage)
of your main JavaFX class that extends Application
Swing Example
Add this line in the public static void main(String[] args)
of your application launch class:
The artifacts have been published to maven central:
Java 11+
Java 8
Java 11+
Java 8
If you want to contribute to upgrade this project with new features or fixing bugs, you're welcome, please make a pull request.
GaRzY |
github.com/garzy |
Reach out to me at one of the following places!
- Mail to [email protected]