See the following page for examples of filters, functions, and custom validations available after installing this module:
- /repeat-twig/examples?keyword=this is a test
- Go src/TwigExtension/TwigExtension.php
- Add a new filter instance inside getFilters() function, in this sample, we call it my_new_filter_name, the instance receives two parameters, the name of the filter and a array with the callable function.
public function getFilters() {
$filters = [
// - Media Image Url -
// @code
// {# Basic usage. #}
// {{ content.field_media|media_image_url }}
// @endcode
new TwigFilter('media_image_url', [$this, 'getMediaImageUrl']),
// - *** My New Filter *** -
// @code
// {# Basic usage. #}
// {{ string|my_new_filter_name }}
// @endcode
new TwigFilter('my_new_filter_name', [$this, 'myNewFilterFunction']),
- Add function with the logic to the filter
* It is a example for add a filter.
* @param string $string
* The string to apply the filter, it could be other variable type,
* it is anything place in left side of pipe when the filter is used string|my_filter_name.
* @param int $key
* It could be a optional parameter. string|my_filter_name('my_key')
* @return string
* The string or anything with the filter applied.
public function myNewFilterFunction(string $string, string $key = '') {
$processed_string = $string;
if (!empty($key)) {
$processed_string .= ' - ' . $key;
return $processed_string;
- That's all, the new filter could be used from any twig template
{{ string|my_new_filter_name }}
- Go src/TwigExtension/TwigExtension.php
- Add a new function instance inside getFunctions() function, in this sample, we call it my_new_function_name, the instance receives two parameters, the name of the function and a array with the callable function.
public function getFunctions() {
return [
// - Query Parameter -
// @code
// {# Basic usage. #}
// {{ query_parameter('keyword', 'Default Value') }}
new TwigFunction('query_parameter', [$this, 'getQueryParameter']),
// - *** My New Function *** -
// @code
// {# Basic usage. #}
// {{ my_new_function_name(string) }}
// @endcode
new TwigFunction('my_new_function_name', [$this, 'myNewFunctionName']),
- Add function with the logic to make
* It is a example for add a function twig.
* @param string $string
* The string given, it could be other variable type,
* @return string
* The string or anything with the logic applied.
public function myNewFunctionName(string $string) {
$processed_string = $string;
if (!empty($processed_string)) {
$processed_string .= ' - Hello world!!';
return $processed_string;
- That's all, the new function could be used from any twig template
{{ my_new_function_name('string') }}
- Go src/TwigExtension/TwigExtension.php
- Add a new function instance inside getTests() function, in this sample, we call it my_new_test_name, the instance receives two parameters, the name of the function and a array with the callable function.
public function getTests() {
return [
// - *** My New Custom Validaiton *** -
// @code
// {# Basic usage. #}
// {% value is my_new_test_name %}
// @endcode
new TwigFunction('my_new_test_name', [$this, 'myNewTestName']),
- Add function with the logic to make
* It is a example for add a custom validation on twig.
* @param mixed $value
* The value given, it could be any variable type,
* @return boolean
* The result of the validation, true or false.
public function myNewTestName($value) {
return is_bool($value);
- That's all, the new custom validation could be used from any twig template
{% value is my_new_test_name %} do something {% endif %}
{{ start_date|date_range_format(end_date, month_format, day_format) }}
{{ '2020-07-08T16:52:43'|date_range_format('2020-07-09T18:00:00') }}
{{ '2020-07-08T16:52:43'|date_range_format('2020-07-09T18:00:00', 'M', 'jS') }}
Jul 8 - 9, 2020
Jul 8th - 9th, 2020
{{ string|truncate_safe(max_length, word_safe, add_ellipsis, min_word_safe_length) }}
{{ content.field_summary|render|truncate_safe(10) }}
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
This example require media field named "field media" in node 1
It could be useful in scenarios where it is necessary to use different image styles of the same field in the same display. (masonry grid)
{{ content.field_media|media_image_style(image_style_name, key) }}
{{ content.field_media|media_image_style('thumbnail') }}
{{ content.field_media|media_image_style('thumbnail', 1) }}
<img src="{{ content.field_media|media_image_style('thumbnail') }} />
This example require media field named "field media" in node 1
{{ content.field_media|media_image_url(key) }}
{{ content.field_media|media_image_url }}
{{ content.field_media|media_image_url(1) }}
<div style="background:url({{ content.field_media|media_image_url }})>
This is a test
This example require media field named "field media" in node 1, the available attributes are alt, target_id, title, width, and height
{{ content.field_media|media_image_attr(attr, key) }}
{{ content.field_media|media_image_attr }}
{{ content.field_media|media_image_attr('', 1) }}
{{ content.field_media|media_image_attr('alt') }}
{{ content.field_media|media_image_attr('alt', 1) }}
<img src="my_image" alt="{{ content.field_media|media_image_attr('alt') }}" />
This is the alternative text
It allow get a variable from url: /repeat-twig/examples?keyword=This is a test
Basic Usage
{{ query_parameter('keyword', 'Default Value') }}
this is a test
It allows check if the value given is a number
{% if value is numeric %} do something {% endif %}
do something
On this example, it detect the index numeric in array of the drupal field to get information from entities referenced
{% for key, reference in content.field_references %}
{% if key is numeric %}
<div class="reference--{{ key }} {{ key == 0 ? 'active'}}">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
It allows check if the value given is a float
Basic Usage
{% if value is float %} do something {% endif %}
do something