A wrapper around mecab for the Tatoeba project.
Tatomecab is of a set of tools to provide Japanese sentences with furiganas.
A library that wraps Mecab and add some more features (like parsing markers set by warifuri). It can also be used as a command line to do quick testing like mecab:
$ echo 振り仮名をつけろう | ./tatomecab.py
振 ふ
り None
仮 が
名 な
を None
つけろ None
う None
Exposes the tatomecab library as a webservice.
$ curl -G --data-urlencode str=振り仮名をつけろう
# Actual URL is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<reading furigana="ふ"><![CDATA[振]]></reading>
<reading furigana="が"><![CDATA[仮]]></reading>
<reading furigana="な"><![CDATA[名]]></reading>
Warifuri is a script that edits mecab dictionary to insert markers in the reading field so that furigana(s) are mapped to the character(s) they belong to, enabling proper mono ruby and group ruby.