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TensorLog with TensorFlow: Getting Started

wwcohen edited this page Jul 25, 2017 · 5 revisions

If you're used to writing learners in Tensorflow you probably want to use Tensorlog's ability to compile logic into Tensorflow operations. Here's an example of how to do that. The source for this example is in Tensorlog/datasets/grid/ if you want to see it in full.

Table of Contents

An example task

As an example we'll use a simple task from the Tensorlog paper: navigation on a grid. The database defines a 16-by-16 grid, with each cell named according to its x,y position: for instance, the string 3,5 is the cell in row 3 and column 5. Each cell is connected to its 8 closest neighbors and also to itself by the edge relation. We put a small initial weight on these edges---here, a uniform weight of 1/5---so the triples look something like this:

 edge	3,5	2,4	0.200000
 edge	3,5	2,5	0.200000
 edge	3,5	2,6	0.200000
 edge	3,5	4,6	0.200000

The format for this database file, named grid.cfacts, is tab-separated, one triple per line, with the last column being optional and indicating the weight for that fact.

The program defines transitive closure on this graph:

  path(X,Y) <= edge(X,Y)
  path(X,Y) <= edge(X,Z) & path(Z,Y)

The learning task is to reweight the edges so that when you issue a query of the form path(cell,Y), where cell is a string like "3,5" naming a grid cell, the top-ranked Y is the closest corner of the grid---e.g., for 3,5 the top-ranked Y should be cell 1,1. So examples in the training and test datasets look something like this:

 path	3,5	1,1
 path	3,6	1,1
 path	3,9	1,16
 path	3,10	1,16

Using tensorlog.simple for learning

Most of what you need for using Tensorlog within Tensorflow is encapsulated in the simple subpackage. So start out by importing

  import tensorflow as tf
  from tensorlog import simple

Now you will want to load in your database and your rule set. Rules are more or less part of the model, and in Tensorflow programs, you usually define the model in Python, so it's most natural to use the simple.Builder class to construct rules. You might do something like this:

  # generate the rules - for transitive closure
  b = simple.Builder()
  path,edge = b.predicates("path,edge")
  X,Y,Z = b.variables("X,Y,Z")
  b.rules += path(X,Y) <= edge(X,Y)
  b.rules += path(X,Y) <= edge(X,Z) & path(Z,Y)

Next you construct a simple.Compiler object:

  tlog = simple.Compiler(db="grid.cfacts",prog=b.rules)

The tlog Compiler object has instance variables called db and prog which point to compiled versions of your database and program, respectively. Here we're going to configure these by saying we want to learn the edge weights, and also by limiting the depth of recursion to 16.

  # configure the database so that edge weights are a parameter
  # configure the program so that maximum recursive depth is 16
  tlog.prog.maxDepth = 16

Now, to get the loss function associated with this learning process, we do the following:

  mode = "path/io"
  unregularized_loss = tlog.loss(mode)

The unregularized_loss variable now points to into the Tensorflow computation graph. If you wanted to, you could have specified the inputs by saying unregularized_loss = tlog.loss(mode, inputs=[x]) where x is some other Tensorlog computation. If you don't specify this, the input will be a new Placeholder whose string name can be found with with tlog.input_placeholder_name(mode).

To explain the argument mode, notice that in general there could be many types of predicates defined in your program, and many types of queries. This loss function is specific for queries of the form "path(cell,Y)" where the first argument is an input and the second is an output (hence the "/io").

Some minimal code for learning is below:

  optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(1.0)
  train_step = optimizer.minimize(unregularized_loss)
  session = tf.Session()
  trainData = tlog.load_small_dataset(trainFile)
  # run the optimizer for 20 epochs
  (tx,ty) = trainData[mode]
  train_fd = {tlog.input_placeholder_name(mode):tx, tlog.target_output_placeholder_name(mode):ty}
  for i in range(20):, feed_dict=train_fd)

Using tensorlog.simple for inference and proof counting

When Tensorlog compiles the loss function, it also compiles an "inference" function, which shares structure with the loss function. You can use this to monitor performance, use the learned classifier, etc. Here's a more complex learner as an example, which also prints train loss and accuracy as you learn.

  mode = 'path/io'
  predicted_y = tlog.inference(mode)
  # accuracy metric, for testing
  actual_y = tlog.target_output_placeholder(mode)
  correct_predictions = tf.equal(tf.argmax(actual_y,1), tf.argmax(predicted_y,1))
  accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions, tf.float32))
  # learn to optimize the loss...
  unregularized_loss = tlog.loss(mode)
  optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(1.0)
  train_step = optimizer.minimize(unregularized_loss)
  # set up the session
  session = tf.Session()
  # load the training and test data
  trainData = tlog.load_small_dataset(trainFile)
  testData = tlog.load_small_dataset(testFile)
  # run the optimizer for 20 epochs, reporting progress as we go
  (tx,ty) = trainData[mode]
  train_fd = {tlog.input_placeholder_name(mode):tx, tlog.target_output_placeholder_name(mode):ty}
  for i in range(20):, feed_dict=train_fd)
    print 'epoch',i+1,'train loss and accuracy',[unregularized_loss,accuracy], feed_dict=train_fd)
  # output the test set performance
  (ux,uy) = testData[mode]
  test_fd = {tlog.input_placeholder_name(mode):ux, tlog.target_output_placeholder_name(mode):uy}
  print 'test acc',, feed_dict=test_fd)

The output should look like:

 [misc warnings/status messages from t, np, etc]
 epoch 1 train loss and accuracy [399.21759, 0.03773585]
 epoch 2 train loss and accuracy [1361.6881, 0.03773585]
 epoch 3 train loss and accuracy [1024.2174, 0.10062893]
 epoch 18 train loss and accuracy [20.040112, 0.98742139]
 epoch 19 train loss and accuracy [14.722947, 0.99371076]
 epoch 20 train loss and accuracy [11.698922, 0.99371076]
 test acc 1.

Another example task

A similar walk-through for another problem can be found here:


Further reading

Tensorlog with Tensorflow: More Tricks