- 🎥 I Live-Stream Tech and Open Source projects that I work on over at Twitch!
- 🔭 Currently a Sr. DevSecOps Engineer with Raft.
- ⌨️ CEO of Neovimᵇᵗʷ
- 🌱 Continuing to learn more about PowerShell, Terraform, Git, NeoVim, GoLang, GitHub, Kubernetes, Helm, Ansible, and anything that will help me contribute to the community.
⚡ Recent GitHub Activity
- 🚀 Published release v1.0.0 in TechDufus/test-tagging
- ❗ Opened issue #19 in neuvector/scan-action
- 🗣 Commented on #189 in 1Password/terraform-provider-onepassword
- 🎉 Merged PR #64 in TehcCringe/TehcCringe
- 💪 Opened PR #64 in TehcCringe/TehcCringe
- 🎉 Merged PR #126 in TechDufus/dotfiles
- 💪 Opened PR #1 in TechDufus/webflyx
- 🔒 Closed issue #17 in neuvector/scan-action
- ❗ Opened issue #17 in neuvector/scan-action
- 🗣 Commented on #6 in jesseleite/GridLayout.spoon
👀 Latest Blog Posts
- I Make Excuses - Eating Well
- Introduction to GoLang Structs
- What is GoLang?
- Creating a Progress Indicator for your PowerShell Processes
- Using $PSStyle to Spice up your Output
- Playing With Dates in PowerShell
- Introducing the BlogQueue GitHub Action
- Remove Overlapping IP Address Ranges from a List of CIDR IP Addresses
- Testing Terraform IaC with Pester - Unit Tests
- How to Import a Locally Defined Function into a Remote PowerShell Session