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Gateway is the hub that routes/orchestrates the interaction between consent managers and API bridges. There are 5 categories of APIs; discovery, link, consent flow, data flow and monitoring. To reflect the consumers of APIs, the above apis are also categorized under cm facing, hiu facing and hip facing

This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 0.5
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Generator version: 7.5.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 3.7+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import abdm_gateway


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import abdm_gateway


Execute pytest to run the tests.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import abdm_gateway
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = abdm_gateway.Configuration(
    host = ""

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with abdm_gateway.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = abdm_gateway.CmFacingApi(api_client)
    authorization = 'authorization_example' # str | Access token which was issued after successful login with gateway auth server.
    x_hip_id = 'x_hip_id_example' # str | Identifier of the health information provider to which the request was intended.
    patient_discovery_request = abdm_gateway.PatientDiscoveryRequest() # PatientDiscoveryRequest | 

        # Discover patient's accounts
        api_instance.v05_care_contexts_discover_post(authorization, x_hip_id, patient_discovery_request)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling CmFacingApi->v05_care_contexts_discover_post: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
CmFacingApi v05_care_contexts_discover_post POST /v0.5/care-contexts/discover Discover patient's accounts
CmFacingApi v05_care_contexts_on_discover_post POST /v0.5/care-contexts/on-discover Response to patient's account discovery request
CmFacingApi v05_consent_requests_on_init_post POST /v0.5/consent-requests/on-init Response to consent request
CmFacingApi v05_consent_requests_on_status_post POST /v0.5/consent-requests/on-status Result of consent request status
CmFacingApi v05_consents_hip_notify_post POST /v0.5/consents/hip/notify Consent notification
CmFacingApi v05_consents_hiu_notify_post POST /v0.5/consents/hiu/notify Consent notification
CmFacingApi v05_consents_on_fetch_post POST /v0.5/consents/on-fetch Result of fetch request for a consent artefact
CmFacingApi v05_health_information_cm_on_request_post POST /v0.5/health-information/cm/on-request Health information data request
CmFacingApi v05_health_information_hip_request_post POST /v0.5/health-information/hip/request Health information data request
CmFacingApi v05_links_context_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/links/context/on-notify Acknowledgement sent by Consent Manager to HIP for data notification.
CmFacingApi v05_links_link_confirm_post POST /v0.5/links/link/confirm Token submission by Consent Manager for link confirmation
CmFacingApi v05_links_link_init_post POST /v0.5/links/link/init Link patient's care contexts
CmFacingApi v05_links_link_on_add_contexts_post POST /v0.5/links/link/on-add-contexts callback API for HIP initiated patient linking /link/add-context
CmFacingApi v05_patients_on_find_post POST /v0.5/patients/on-find Identification result for a consent-manager user-id
CmFacingApi v05_patients_profile_share_post POST /v0.5/patients/profile/share Share patient profile details
CmFacingApi v05_patients_sms_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/patients/sms/on-notify Acknowledgment response for SMS notification sent to patient by HIP
CmFacingApi v05_patients_status_notify_post POST /v0.5/patients/status/notify Notification sent by Consent MAnager
CmFacingApi v05_subscription_requests_cm_on_init_post POST /v0.5/subscription-requests/cm/on-init callback API for the /subscription-requests/cm/init to notify a HIU on acceptance/acknowledgement of the request for subscription.
CmFacingApi v05_subscription_requests_hiu_notify_post POST /v0.5/subscription-requests/hiu/notify Notification for subscription grant/deny/revoke
CmFacingApi v05_subscriptions_hiu_notify_post POST /v0.5/subscriptions/hiu/notify Notification to HIU on basis of a granted subscription
CmFacingApi v05_users_auth_notify_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/notify notification API in case of DIRECT mode of authentication by the CM
CmFacingApi v05_users_auth_on_confirm_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/on-confirm callback API for /auth/confirm (in case of MEDIATED auth) to confirm user authentication or not
CmFacingApi v05_users_auth_on_fetch_modes_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/on-fetch-modes Identification result for a consent-manager user-id
CmFacingApi v05_users_auth_on_init_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/on-init Response to user authentication initialization from HIP
ConsentFlowApi v05_consent_requests_init_post POST /v0.5/consent-requests/init Create consent request
ConsentFlowApi v05_consent_requests_on_init_post POST /v0.5/consent-requests/on-init Response to consent request
ConsentFlowApi v05_consent_requests_on_status_post POST /v0.5/consent-requests/on-status Result of consent request status
ConsentFlowApi v05_consent_requests_status_post POST /v0.5/consent-requests/status Get consent request status
ConsentFlowApi v05_consents_fetch_post POST /v0.5/consents/fetch Get consent artefact
ConsentFlowApi v05_consents_hip_notify_post POST /v0.5/consents/hip/notify Consent notification
ConsentFlowApi v05_consents_hip_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/consents/hip/on-notify Consent notification
ConsentFlowApi v05_consents_hiu_notify_post POST /v0.5/consents/hiu/notify Consent notification
ConsentFlowApi v05_consents_hiu_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/consents/hiu/on-notify Consent notification
ConsentFlowApi v05_consents_on_fetch_post POST /v0.5/consents/on-fetch Result of fetch request for a consent artefact
DataFlowApi v05_health_information_cm_on_request_post POST /v0.5/health-information/cm/on-request Health information data request
DataFlowApi v05_health_information_cm_request_post POST /v0.5/health-information/cm/request Health information data request
DataFlowApi v05_health_information_hip_on_request_post POST /v0.5/health-information/hip/on-request Health information data request
DataFlowApi v05_health_information_hip_request_post POST /v0.5/health-information/hip/request Health information data request
DataFlowApi v05_health_information_notify_post POST /v0.5/health-information/notify Notifications corresponding to events during data flow
DiscoveryApi v05_care_contexts_discover_post POST /v0.5/care-contexts/discover Discover patient's accounts
DiscoveryApi v05_care_contexts_on_discover_post POST /v0.5/care-contexts/on-discover Response to patient's account discovery request
HipFacingApi v05_consents_hip_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/consents/hip/on-notify Consent notification
HipFacingApi v05_health_information_hip_on_request_post POST /v0.5/health-information/hip/on-request Health information data request
HipFacingApi v05_health_information_notify_post POST /v0.5/health-information/notify Notifications corresponding to events during data flow
HipFacingApi v05_links_context_notify_post POST /v0.5/links/context/notify This API is meant to be called by HIPs when there is new health data generated for a patient, against a care context that is already linked to patient's ABDM account.
HipFacingApi v05_links_link_add_contexts_post POST /v0.5/links/link/add-contexts API for HIP initiated care-context linking for patient
HipFacingApi v05_links_link_on_confirm_post POST /v0.5/links/link/on-confirm Token authenticated by HIP, indicating completion of linkage of care-contexts
HipFacingApi v05_links_link_on_init_post POST /v0.5/links/link/on-init Response to patient's care context link request
HipFacingApi v05_patients_sms_notify_post POST /v0.5/patients/sms/notify API for HIP to send SMS notifications to patients
HipFacingApi v05_patients_status_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/patients/status/on-notify Acknowledgment by HIP/HIU
HipFacingApi v05_users_auth_confirm_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/confirm Confirmation request sending token, otp or other authentication details from HIP/HIU for confirmation
HipFacingApi v05_users_auth_fetch_modes_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/fetch-modes Get a patient's authentication modes relevant to specified purpose
HipFacingApi v05_users_auth_init_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/init Initialize authentication from HIP
HipFacingApi v05_users_auth_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/on-notify callback API by HIU/HIPs as acknowledgement of auth notification
HiuFacingApi v05_consent_requests_init_post POST /v0.5/consent-requests/init Create consent request
HiuFacingApi v05_consent_requests_status_post POST /v0.5/consent-requests/status Get consent request status
HiuFacingApi v05_consents_fetch_post POST /v0.5/consents/fetch Get consent artefact
HiuFacingApi v05_consents_hiu_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/consents/hiu/on-notify Consent notification
HiuFacingApi v05_health_information_cm_request_post POST /v0.5/health-information/cm/request Health information data request
HiuFacingApi v05_health_information_notify_post POST /v0.5/health-information/notify Notifications corresponding to events during data flow
HiuFacingApi v05_patients_find_post POST /v0.5/patients/find Identify a patient by her consent-manager user-id
HiuFacingApi v05_patients_status_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/patients/status/on-notify Acknowledgment by HIP/HIU
HiuFacingApi v05_subscription_requests_cm_init_post POST /v0.5/subscription-requests/cm/init Request for subscription
HiuFacingApi v05_subscription_requests_hiu_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/subscription-requests/hiu/on-notify Callback API for /subscription-requests/hiu/notify to acknowledge receipt of notification.
HiuFacingApi v05_subscriptions_hiu_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/subscriptions/hiu/on-notify Callback API for /subscriptions/hiu/notify to acknowledge receipt of notification.
HiuFacingApi v05_users_auth_confirm_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/confirm Confirmation request sending token, otp or other authentication details from HIP/HIU for confirmation
HiuFacingApi v05_users_auth_fetch_modes_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/fetch-modes Get a patient's authentication modes relevant to specified purpose
HiuFacingApi v05_users_auth_init_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/init Initialize authentication from HIP
HiuFacingApi v05_users_auth_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/on-notify callback API by HIU/HIPs as acknowledgement of auth notification
IdentificationApi v05_patients_find_post POST /v0.5/patients/find Identify a patient by her consent-manager user-id
IdentificationApi v05_patients_on_find_post POST /v0.5/patients/on-find Identification result for a consent-manager user-id
LinkApi v05_links_context_notify_post POST /v0.5/links/context/notify This API is meant to be called by HIPs when there is new health data generated for a patient, against a care context that is already linked to patient's ABDM account.
LinkApi v05_links_context_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/links/context/on-notify Acknowledgement sent by Consent Manager to HIP for data notification.
LinkApi v05_links_link_add_contexts_post POST /v0.5/links/link/add-contexts API for HIP initiated care-context linking for patient
LinkApi v05_links_link_confirm_post POST /v0.5/links/link/confirm Token submission by Consent Manager for link confirmation
LinkApi v05_links_link_init_post POST /v0.5/links/link/init Link patient's care contexts
LinkApi v05_links_link_on_add_contexts_post POST /v0.5/links/link/on-add-contexts callback API for HIP initiated patient linking /link/add-context
LinkApi v05_links_link_on_confirm_post POST /v0.5/links/link/on-confirm Token authenticated by HIP, indicating completion of linkage of care-contexts
LinkApi v05_links_link_on_init_post POST /v0.5/links/link/on-init Response to patient's care context link request
MonitoringApi v05_heartbeat_get GET /v0.5/heartbeat Informs about server status
PatientNotificationApi v05_patients_sms_notify_post POST /v0.5/patients/sms/notify API for HIP to send SMS notifications to patients
PatientNotificationApi v05_patients_sms_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/patients/sms/on-notify Acknowledgment response for SMS notification sent to patient by HIP
PatientNotificationApi v05_patients_status_notify_post POST /v0.5/patients/status/notify Notification sent by Consent MAnager
PatientNotificationApi v05_patients_status_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/patients/status/on-notify Acknowledgment by HIP/HIU
ProfileApi v05_patients_profile_on_share_post POST /v0.5/patients/profile/on-share Response to patient's share profile request
ProfileApi v05_patients_profile_share_post POST /v0.5/patients/profile/share Share patient profile details
ProfileApi v10_patients_profile_on_share_post POST /v1.0/patients/profile/on-share Response to patient's share profile request
ProfileApi v10_patients_profile_share_post POST /v1.0/patients/profile/share Share patient profile details
ServicesApi v05_hi_services_service_id_get GET /v0.5/hi-services/{service-id} Get bridge service details/profile by the serviceId provided.
SessionsApi v05_certs_get GET /v0.5/certs Get certs for JWT verification
SessionsApi v05_sessions_post POST /v0.5/sessions Get access token
SessionsApi v05_well_known_openid_configuration_get GET /v0.5/.well-known/openid-configuration Get openid configuration
SubscriptionsApi v05_subscription_requests_cm_init_post POST /v0.5/subscription-requests/cm/init Request for subscription
SubscriptionsApi v05_subscription_requests_cm_on_init_post POST /v0.5/subscription-requests/cm/on-init callback API for the /subscription-requests/cm/init to notify a HIU on acceptance/acknowledgement of the request for subscription.
SubscriptionsApi v05_subscription_requests_hiu_notify_post POST /v0.5/subscription-requests/hiu/notify Notification for subscription grant/deny/revoke
SubscriptionsApi v05_subscription_requests_hiu_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/subscription-requests/hiu/on-notify Callback API for /subscription-requests/hiu/notify to acknowledge receipt of notification.
SubscriptionsApi v05_subscriptions_hiu_notify_post POST /v0.5/subscriptions/hiu/notify Notification to HIU on basis of a granted subscription
SubscriptionsApi v05_subscriptions_hiu_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/subscriptions/hiu/on-notify Callback API for /subscriptions/hiu/notify to acknowledge receipt of notification.
UserAuthApi v05_users_auth_confirm_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/confirm Confirmation request sending token, otp or other authentication details from HIP/HIU for confirmation
UserAuthApi v05_users_auth_fetch_modes_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/fetch-modes Get a patient's authentication modes relevant to specified purpose
UserAuthApi v05_users_auth_init_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/init Initialize authentication from HIP
UserAuthApi v05_users_auth_notify_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/notify notification API in case of DIRECT mode of authentication by the CM
UserAuthApi v05_users_auth_on_confirm_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/on-confirm callback API for /auth/confirm (in case of MEDIATED auth) to confirm user authentication or not
UserAuthApi v05_users_auth_on_fetch_modes_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/on-fetch-modes Identification result for a consent-manager user-id
UserAuthApi v05_users_auth_on_init_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/on-init Response to user authentication initialization from HIP
UserAuthApi v05_users_auth_on_notify_post POST /v0.5/users/auth/on-notify callback API by HIU/HIPs as acknowledgement of auth notification

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Endpoints do not require authorization.



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