DIARIO bridges a natural gap that antiviruses do not usually match. DIARIO is not intended to replace antiviruses, but to cover the gap with fresh samples: DIARIO is especially good detecting them. DIARIO helps detect fresh malware without compromising your privacy or sharing content.
.NET Framework 4.6.1+
A valid account in DIARIO (https://diario.e-paths.com/index.html) in order to get a APP_ID and SECRET_KEY keys (Registration is FREE).
Download and import DiarioSDKNet.dll to your project or solution.
- Create a DIARIO object with the "Application ID" and "Secret" previously obtained.
var diario = new Diario(appId, secretKey);
'host' and 'port' default parameters are set to diario-elevenlabs.e-paths.com and 443.
- Call to DIARIO Server to do searches, upload and analyze documents, ...
var response_search = diario.Search("e92cf597bdaf49c2e5122ac442514fbe5ab3192a3575958edcdceb3a0dc49de6");
- After every API call, get DIARIO response data and errors and handle them.
Console.WriteLine("Response Search: " + response_search)
- Others Methods.
diario.Tags(documentHash, tags);
- Rest API documentation (https://diario.e-paths.com/api-specification.html).