Frontend consists of many elements and we at Telia enterprise are usually at the bleeding edge of the technology.
We strive to deliver the most up-to-date tech-stack to ensure our customer receive most preferment, reliable web services.
As our potential colleague in the near future, we are expecting you to work on the upcoming task at your own pace at home and submit your result based on what we will mention in the expectations.
You'll find a simple design of a dashboard and we would like to implement this design.
You may fork this repo (if you need sample apps) and make it private and give us access when your implementation is finished.
Setup Webpack 5
(latest) should be your preferred framework -
Setup Router
Lazy loading of each screen (aka App)
Simple internationalization (No,EN)
Use a css toolkit such as
together with your custom SaSScss
implementation, You are allowed to useCSS-in-JS
approach too. -
Setup two environments (Production and Dev)
Mobile-first approach and fully responsive
Commit with proper commit-message
Use Module Federation, We have provided Apps folder in this repo for your reference.
Extra performance care such as tree-shaking css/js
Performance Score 90-100 in
in CSS. We loveGrid
Setup CD/CI to Deploy your app to AWS S3
Typescript is a big plus, we encourage you to use it
We evaluate your
1- Quality of code 2- Tests 3- Commits 4- Documentation 5- Setup Cleanses 6- Commands to make it easy to run project 7- Scalability of your setup 8- Deployment process 9- SEO and UX
Followed by this task, there will be an interview about your tech-setup.