composer require temkaa/simple-collections
<?php declare(strict_types = 1);
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
use SimpleCollections\Enum\ComparisonOperator;
use SimpleCollections\Enum\SortOrder;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Condition\Compare;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Condition\Exactly;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Sort\ByField;
class SomeClass
public function someArrayFunction(): void
$products = [
['id' => 2, 'name' => 'milk'],
['id' => 6, 'name' => 'bread'],
['id' => 1, 'name' => 'meat'],
['id' => 2, 'name' => 'juice'],
(new Collection($products))->sort(new ByField('name', SortOrder::Desc))->toArray(),
(new Collection($products))
->where(new Compare(field: 'name', operator: ComparisonOperator::GreaterThan, value: 2))
(new Collection($products))->where(new Exactly(field: 'id', value: 1))->toArray(),
public function someObjectFunction(): void
$result = Database::all() // Some database query
(new Collection($products))->unique()->toArray(),
(new Collection($products))
->map(static fn (object $element): int => $elment->getId())
Adds a new element to collection.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection([]);
$collection->add(value: 'value');
// or
$collection = new Collection([]);
$collection->add(value: 'value', key: 'key');
Chunks elements in collection by given size.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2']);
$chunks = $collection->chunk(1);
Returns count of elements in Collection.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2']);
$count = $collection->count();
Executes provided callback on each collection element. If false is returned from callback, iteration stops.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection([$object1, $object2]);
$collection->each(static function (object $element): bool {
if ($element->getId() === 1) {
return false;
return true;
Filters the collection with provided callback.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection([$object1, $object2]);
$newCollection = $collection->filter(static function (object $element): bool => $element->getId() > 10);
Returns first element from collection, null
if collection is empty.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2']);
$first = $collection->first();
Returns true of element/key is found, false otherwise.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2']);
$exists = $collection->has('element1'); // true
// or
$collection = new Collection(['key' => 'value']);
$exists = $collection->has('key'); // true
Returns true if collection is empty, false otherwise.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2']);
$isEmpty = $collection->isEmpty(); // false
Opposite of isEmpty
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2']);
$isNotEmpty = $collection->isNotEmpty(); // true
Returns last element of collection, null if collection is empty.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2']);
$last = $collection->last();
Creates new collection from provided callback.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2']);
$mappedArray = $collection
->map(static fn (string $element): string => $element.'1')
->toArray(); // ['element11', 'element21']
Merges two collections with each other.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection1 = new Collection(['element1', 'element2']);
$collection2 = new Collection(['element3', 'element4']);
$resultArray = $collection1
->toArray(); // ['element1', 'element2', 'element3', 'element4']
// or
$collection1 = new Collection(['a' => 'element1', 'b' => 'element2']);
$collection2 = new Collection(['a' => 'element3', 'b' => 'element4']);
$resultArray = $collection1
->merge($collection2, recursive: true)
->toArray(); // ['a' => ['element1', 'element3'], 'b' => ['element2', 'element4']]
Removes provided element from collection, if element does not exist returns null.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2']);
$removedElement = $collection->remove('element1'); // element1
// or
$collection = new Collection(['a' => 'element1', 'b' => 'element2']);
$removedElement = $collection->remove('a'); // element1
Slices collection from given offset with provided length. If length is not defined - gets all elements from given offset.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2', 'element3']);
$slice = $collection->slice(offset: 1)->toArray(); // ['element2', 'element3']
// or
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2', 'element3']);
$slice = $collection->slice(offset: 1, limit: 0)->toArray(); // ['element2']
Returns collection elements.
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection(['element1', 'element2', 'element3']);
$array = $collection->toArray(); // ['element1', 'element2', 'element3']
Sorts collection by provided criteria.
Sorting by provided callback:
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Sort\ByCallback;
$collection = new Collection([$object3, $object2, $object1]);
$sorted = $collection
->sort(new ByCallback(static fn (object $element): int => $element->getId()))
->toArray(); // [$object1, $object2, $object3]
Sorting by values:
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
use SimpleCollections\Enum\SortOrder;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Sort\ByValues;
$collection = new Collection([3, 2, 1]);
$sorted = $collection->sort(new ByValues())->toArray(); // [1, 2, 3]
// or
$collection = new Collection([1, 2, 3]);
$sorted = $collection->sort(new ByValues(SortOrder::Desc))->toArray(); // 3, 2, 1]
Sorting by keys:
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
use SimpleCollections\Enum\SortOrder;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Sort\ByKeys;
$collection = new Collection(['c' => 8, 'b' => 9, 'a' => 10]);
$sorted = $collection->sort(new ByKeys())->toArray(); // ['a' => 10, 'b' => 9, 'c' => 8]
// or
$collection = new Collection(['c' => 10, 'b' => 9, 'a' => 8]);
$sorted = $collection->sort(new ByKeys(SortOrder::Desc))->toArray(); // ['c' => 10, 'b' => 9, 'a' => 8]
Sorting by field:
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
use SimpleCollections\Enum\SortOrder;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Sort\ByField;
$collection = new Collection([['field' => 10], ['field' => 5], []]);
$sorted = $collection->sort(new ByField(field: 'field'))->toArray(); // [[], ['field' => 5], ['field' => 10]
$collection = new Collection([['a' => 5], ['a' => 10], []]);
$sorted = $collection
->sort(new ByField(field: 'field', order: SortOrder::Desc))
->toArray(); [['a' => 10], ['a' => 5], []]
Returns sum by provided criteria.
Sum by default:
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection([1.1, 2, 3]);
$sum = $collection->sum(); // 6.1
Sum by field:
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Sum\ByField;
$collection = new Collection([['a' => 1], ['a' => 2]]);
$sum = $collection->sum(new ByField(field: 'a')); // 3
Returns unique elements by provided criteria.
Unique by default:
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
$collection = new Collection([1, 2]);
$unique = $collection->unique()->toArray(); // [1]
Unique by field:
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Unique\ByField;
$collection = new Collection([['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], ['a' => 1, 'b' => 3]]);
$unique = $collection->unique(new ByField(field: 'a'))->toArray(); // [['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]]
Returns filtered collection by provided condition.
Where with exact hit:
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Condition\Exactly;
$collection = new Collection([1, 2]);
$compared = $collection->where(new Exactly(field: 'a', value: 1))->toArray(); // [1]
Where with comparison (full list of allowed comparison operators can be viewed in SimpleCollections\Enum\ComparisonOperator
use SimpleCollections\Collection;
use SimpleCollections\Enum\ComparisonOperator;
use SimpleCollections\Model\Condition\Compare;
$collection = new Collection([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
$compared = $collection
->where(new Compare(field: 'a', operator: ComparisonOperator::In, value: [1, 2]))
->toArray(); // [1, 2]