So with a lot of researching across everywhere I thought I'd post this up for any other Synology users that require live TV to have its commercials cut out and the final file transcoded to mkv.
I make no promises that this will work for you, and you might need to edit certain files in case they do not match your system.
Synology DS1513+ DSM 7.1-42661
Emby Media Server 4.7.20
Mac's, iOS and AppleTV
All my Media is set at the route of my Synology in File Station
The media dir is also a shared folder owned originally by admin but now myself and users group
media/Movies etc
but the exact path to the media directory is /volume1/media/
If your not familer with Terminal/Commandline stuff this might not be that easy
Before you start you need to install the comskip and FFmpeg packages from SynoCommunity and any packages that they might require.
Although this was my first step, I am no longer using the ffmpeg from synocommunity, (checkout the path in the comcut file) as it seems Emby has included it in their install
Also, I migrated from DSM6 to DSM7 so make sure you have your internal user set for your media dir as per whats mentioned here
From Control Panel go to Shared Folder and edit each share that is used by Emby Server.
Click the share, then EDIT, go to permission tab, select System internal user from drop down, grant emby user read/write access.
Create a directory called tmp in your media DIR in File Station to help keeps things a bit cleaner whilst testing this out eg media/tmp
my comskip.ini file I grabbed from somewhere and is (hopefully) setup for UK Freeview TV, obviously you will need one for your country
Comskip UK Freeview .ini forum Comskip .ini examples from other countries
the comcut script is basically a modified version of what PhilWhite has created and the whole thread can be viewed here
Other useful bits from
In Emby under Live TV on the Advanced tab under Recording Post Processing
Post-processing application: /volume1/@appstore/comskip/bin/comcut
Post-processor command line arguments: "{path}"
ssh into your Synology box (DMS7) with your username and password using Terminal or a similer app
I am not walking you through setting up SSH, as there is enough on the net about that
ssh user@YourNasIPAddress
enter your password then once logged in you need to become root
sudo -i
enter your root/admin password
now you're root
Please check all paths in side the comcut file before you upload it, For the time being I have hard encoded what mine are,
If your volume is not volume1 you will need to change that.
If your media dir is not media, and/or your recordings directory is not a child of your media dir, then change the paths accordingly.
FFmPeg path, So what seemded to be like a major permissions error was that the syno-ffmpeg didnt have permissions to write to my media dir, regardless of what was set inside Synology's Control Panel well to be perfectly honest to the show directory that the ts file resided in, no matter what I tried, with ownership, it would never work except as root in ssh.
So before I went down the road of creating a smlink to ffmpeg in EmbyServer dir, I went and had a little nose around, and found Emby had already got an FFMpeg file, although it was strange as I couldnt access it, but I could access emby-ffmpeg
Hopefully your packages are installed in volume1 on your Nas so in Terminal just enter
ls /volume1/@appstore/comskip
You should see a few directories bin, lib & var we are only intereted in bin and var If you don't see those directories or comskip your'll need to figure out which volume things are installed on and that's beyound this help
if you dont see a var dir, you'll need to create it with
mkdir /volume1/@appstore/comskip/var
If you do see the var dir then we can move in and check for an existing comskip.ini file.
cd /volume1/@appstore/comskip/var
ls -al
So you need to edit your comskip.ini file, or create a new on, personally I find that Synology's implentation of vi or vim
is rubbish to use as an editor and it frustrates me,
So what I tend to make a backup of the file I want to edit then create a new .ini file and paste in the contents of a file I've edited in a text editor
and any changes I want to make I do so on my Mac in Textastic or any other plain text editor.
I do this like this.
mv comskip.ini comskip.ini-bak
vi comskip.ini
If your not used to vi, I will give you a quic run through
To instert Text hit the letter i
If you copy the ini file from your text editor you can paste that in terminal
Once pasted, the pasted text may look a little disjointed, ignore that
To save the text, hit ESC (escape Key) followed by :w and then enter
That will save the file
To quite use ESC :q
If you want to just check it pasted ok, you can run
cat comskip.ini
Once happy lets create the comcut file
cd ../bin
vi comcut
(same as above hit i to insert and paste in the contents of the comcut file) ESC :w to write the file :q to quit vi if you want to check the file
cat comcut
Okay, so now some permission changes Then we need to give it the right permissions to execute (755)
Then run the following
cd ../../
chmod -R 755 comskip/bin
chown -R sc-comskip:synocommunity comskip
chown emby:emby comskip/bin/comcut
chown -R emby:emby /volume1/media/RecordedTV
On DSM7 it seems that comskip is now owned by sc-comskip and grouped to synocommunity chown (this changes everything in comskip to be owned by emby)
chown emby:emby comskip/bin/comcut (this makes comcut owned by emby)
chmod (sets executable permissions on all comskip/bin files)
Update: chown the directory your TV recordings go to, after an Emby update it stopped working, I'm not sure why but emby no longer had permissions to write the recordings, I suspect it had something to do with the internal user but as emby is now an internal user you can't just select the owner in File Station, so change the permissions in ssh as root works fine.
In DSM File Explorer find a TV recording you did that should have commercials, right click and select properties
The dialog should give you a text box with the file location, select the whole location and copy it
Running the comcut script as root will always work, so exit root back to your account
Then back in terminal type
then paste in the file location in between double quotes in case the file location has spaces (some even have ') e.g
/volume1/@appstore/comskip/bin/comcut "/volume1/media/RecordedTV/The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1979)/Season 2/The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes S02E06 The Final Problem.ts"
and hit enter, now go down the pub as this will take a while, it's not that bad depends upon your nas
If nothing moans when you start it and the tmp directory gets some files (viewd in your DSM File Explorer)
then you should be good to go, and when finished the tmp dir will be empty and you should have an .mkv file instead of a .ts file in the show directory.
If that all worked, then go find a 15minute cartoon to record and come back to FileStation to see if it all went ok