Based on API from
With Maven add this to your project's pom.xml:
With Gradle :
implementation 'com.tennaxia.carbone:carbone-sdk-java:1.0.0-RC1'
To initialize your services, you need to create an instance of ICarboneServices
by using CarboneServicesFactory
, passing your token key product and service's version (current is 4):
ICarboneServices carboneServices = CarboneServicesFactory.CARBONE_SERVICES_FACTORY_INSTANCE.create(token, version);
You can also use your own instance of ICarboneTemplateClient
and ICarboneRenderClient
ICarboneServices carboneServices = CarboneServicesFactory.CARBONE_SERVICES_FACTORY_INSTANCE.create(carboneTemplateClient, carboneRenderClient);
Now with the instantiated object you can use all services:
You need to send the template file content in byte[]
, it will return an Optional
containing templateId
if upload is successful.
Path testFilePath = Paths.get("template_carbone.odt");
Optional<String> templateId = carboneServices.addTemplate(Files.readAllBytes(testFilePath));
You can now render your report with a Json like object (refer to documentation for syntax details):
public class MyJsonObject {
String test_key1;
String test_key2;
MyKeyObj key_object;
public MyJsonObject(String test_key1, String test_key2, String inner_test_key) {
this.test_key1 = test_key1;
this.test_key2 = test_key2;
this.key_object = new MyKeyObj(inner_test_key);
private static class MyKeyObj {
String test_key;
private MyInnerObj(String test_key) {
this.test_key = test_key;
then calling render with template id:
MyJsonObject jsonObj = new MyJsonObject("key one", "key two", "key three");
* {
* test_key1: "key one",
* test_key2: "key two",
* key_object: {
* test_key: "key three"
* }
String renderId = carboneServices.renderReport(jsonObj, templateId.get());
By default, rendered report will be in PDF and with option UseLosslessCompression
at false.
You can also call render with additional option for PDF rendering (see: PDF export filter options).
To do so, you need to add a Map<String, Object>
to method call
Map<String, Object> additionalOptions = Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("UseLosslessCompression", true),
Map.entry("DocumentOpenPassword", "password"),
Map.entry("EncryptFile", true)
String renderId = carboneServices.renderReport(jsonObj, templateId.get(), additionalOptions);
You can now download your report:
File outputFile = new File("report.pdf");
try (FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)) {