View Layer on TensorMSA
- Tensor Micro Service Architecture is a project started to make TensorFlow more accessable from Java legacy systems with out modifying too much source codes.
2. Function
- REST APIs corresponding to Tensorflow
- JAVA API component interface with python REST APIS
- Easy to use UI component provide NN configuration, train remotly, save & load NN models, handling train data sets
- Train NN models via Spark cluster supported
- Android mobile SDK are also part of the plan (gather data and predict)
3. Schedule
- We just started this projects (2016.8)
- We are still on research process now
- Expected to release first trial version on December 2016
4. Stack
- FE : React(ES6), SVG, D3, Pure CSS
- BE : Django F/W, Tensorflow, PostgreSQL, Spark
5. Methodology
- Agile (CI, TDD, Pair programming and Cloud)