Clone the project on your Local. Install node packages using "npm i / npm install". Configure the Local MognoDb/ hosted Mongo DB in index js. Run the app using "npm start". Excute the GraphQL playground on "http://localhost:4000/".
// createChatRoom (see in (resolver/mutation))
mutation{ createChatRoom(newUser:{ orderid:"1" userid:"2" deliveryid:"2" message:"jadsklfjk" }){ orderid userid deliveryid message } }
// chatList (see in (resolver/query))
query{ chatList(orderid:"1"){ _id orderid deliveryid message } }
//deleteChatRoom(see in (resolver/mutation))
mutation{ deleteChatRoom(orderid:"1"){ response } }
//subscription (see in (resolver/subscription))
subscription{ chatroom{ _id orderid deliveryid userid message } }