Welcome to Markov Chain Algorithm visualiser!!
- It helps in understanding, the working of Markov's Algorithm.
- A Tutorial Sheet has been attached at the beginning for basic understanding.
- It works on a large dataset which the user's can give at the beginning and train the model.
- It uses the Markov's algorithm to work and give results based on the dataset with which the model has been trained.
- User can test the model by typing words or even paragraphs and a suggession box will appear and will show various words that can be replaced with the current word and can even give suggessions for future words.
- Markov's Algorithm is usually used in Data Science but we have converted it in Kotlin to showcase it in our application.
- Markov's Algorithm is a string rewriting system that uses grammar-like rules to operate on strings of symbols.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
Things you need to install this mobile aplication->
1. Android Mobile
That's it!
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Say what the step will be
You can Download the application using below link-
- Android Studio
- Kotlin
All kinds of contribution 😍 are welcomed.