- 10/01 - HTML and CSS: video
- 10/04 - Box Model Layout: video
- 10/04 - Tables: video
- 10/05 - FizzBuzz Code Challenge: video
- 10/06 - Forms: Erwins' video
- 10/08 - HTML Review: video
- 10/12 - Flexbox: video
- 10/12 - CSS Grid: video
- 10/12 - Git Review: video
- 10/13 - Responsive Design: video
- 10/13 - Abstract Art Office Hours: video
- 10/15 - HTML & CSS Review: video
- 10/25 - Project Presentations: video
- 10/26 - JS, Types & Operators: video
- 10/27 - Variables, Control Flow, Loops: video
- 10/29 - Functions: video
- 11/01 - Review: video
- 11/01 - Scope: video
- 11/03 - Arrays: video
- 11/03 - Problem Set 2-4 (Scope) Office Hours: video
- 11/04 - Problem Set 2-5 (Arrays) Office Hours: video
- 11/05 - More Arrays: video
- 11/08 - Objects: video
- 11/08 - JS Review: video
- 11/09 - Problelm Set 2-6 (Objects) Office Hours: video
- 11/10 - Unit 2 Review: video
- 11/11 - Study Session: video
- 11/12 - Study Session: video
- 11/16 - Study Session: video
- 11/29 - Functional Abstractions: video
- 11/29 - Functional Abstractions: video
- 11/30 - Office Hours (Problem Set 3-0): video
- 12/01 - String Processing and Regex: video
- 12/01 - Office Hours (Problem Set 3-1): video
- 12/03 - PEDAC Review: video
- 12/06 - Understanding Objects: video
- 12/06 - Execution Context: video
- 12/07 - Office Hours (Problem Set 4-0): video
- 12/08 - Closures: video
- 12/08 - Office Hours (Problem Set 4-0): video
- 12/10 - Review: video
- 12/13 - Constructor and Prototype: video
- 12/13 - ES6 Classes: video
- 12/15 - Inheritance and OO Design: video
- 01/04 - Unit 4 Review: video
- 01/04 - OO Design Amazon: video
- 01/07 - Unit 4 Review: video
- 01/12 - Big O: video
- 01/13 - Linked Lists: video
- 01/18 - Stacks and Queues: video
- 01/19 - Hash Maps: video
- 01/19 - Linked List Office Hours: video
- 01/20 - Recursion: video
- 01/24 - Trees: video
- 01/25 - Graphs: video
- 01/26 - Sorting: video
- 01/31 - Intro to DOM: video
- 02/01 - DOM API: video
- 02/02 - Events: video
- 02/03 - Forms: video
- 02/07 - Putting It All Together (Wheel of Fortune): video
- 02/17 - Intro to HTTP: video
- 02/18 - Fetch: video
- 02/22 - Intro to POSTs: video
- 02/22 - Github GET and POST fetch: video
- 02/25 - AJAX Patterns: video
- 03/15 - Intro to Node: video
- 03/16 - HTTP Server: Erwins video
- 3/18 - Intro to Express: video
- 3/21 - Express API: part 1 video | part 2 video
- 3/23 - SQL: video
- 3/25 - SQL Joins: video
- 3/28 - Schema Design: video
- X/XX - How to Drawn ERD Diagrams: video
- 3/30 - Migrations and Seeding: video
- 4/01 - pg module: video
- 4/04 - MVC: part 1 video part 2 video
- 4/06 - Express API Review: video
- 4/13 - Auth: video
- 4/19 - Intro to React: video
- 4/20 - Components and Props: video
- 4/20 - Lab review: video
- 4/21 - State: video
- 4/22 - Forms: video
- 4/25 - Thinking in React: video part 1 | video part 2
- 4/27 - useEffect: video
- 4/29 - Context API and useContext: video
- 5/02 - React Rounter: video
- 5/02 - Class Based Components: video