Play The Original game here Newgrounds
- JuniorNovoa - Main Programmer.
- BushTrain460615 - Main Programmer.
- MAJigsaw - Junior took android code from them because he is stupid.
- BadBoyJayTC - Did Limo Dodge Sign, Did Limo Dodge Sound.
- Drixppx - Improved Junior's DadBattle Erect Chart.
- ninjamuffin99 - Programmer.
- PhantomArcade3K and Evilsk8r - Art.
- Kawaisprite - Musician.
First, you need to install Haxe and HaxeFlixel. I'm too lazy to write and keep updated with that setup (which is pretty simple).
- Install Haxe 4.2.5
- Install HaxeFlixel after downloading Haxe
- Install git-scm after downloading HaxeFlixel
Other installations you'd need are the additional libraries, a fully updated list will be in Project.xml
in the project root. Currently, these are all of the things you need to install:
haxelib install flixel
haxelib install flixel-addons
haxelib install flixel-ui
haxelib install hscript
haxelib git polymod
haxelib git discord_rpc
haxelib git crashdumper
haxelib git hxCodec
haxelib git flixel-studio <-- if your using debug mode
haxelib git flixel-addons <--Optional to fix transitions bug in songs with zoomed-out cameras
You should have everything ready for compiling the game! Follow the guide below to continue!
NOTE: If you see any messages relating to deprecated packages, ignore them. They're just warnings that don't affect compiling
If building on windows install these tools:
- MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools
- Windows SDK (10.0.17763.0)
lime build mac
lime build windows
lime build linux
lime build mac -debug
lime build windows -debug
lime build linux -debug
You can run the game from the file under export/release/The platform you built on/bin