A React video component based on Plyr.
Add react-plyr
into your package.json dependencies:
npm install react-plyr --save
Include the plyr.css
stylsheet into your <head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/plyr.css">
If you want to use our CDN (provided by Fastly) for the default CSS, you can use the following:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.plyr.io/3.5.2/plyr.css">
import Plyr from 'react-plyr';
// add the component in the render function
render() {
return (
type="youtube" // or "vimeo"
Note: The videoId
can either be the video ID or URL for the media.
Prop | Default | |
enable | Disable | true |
title | Custom media title | "" |
debug | Logging to console | false |
autoplay | Auto play (if supported) | false |
autopause | Only allow one media playing at once (vimeo only) | true |
seekTime | Default time to skip when rewind/fast forward | 10 |
volume | Default volume | 1 |
muted | Default volume (0) | false |
duration | Pass a custom duration | null |
displayDuration | Display the media duration on load in the current time position If you have opted to display both duration and currentTime, this is ignored |
true |
invertTime | Invert the current time to be a countdown | true |
toggleInvert | Clicking the currentTime inverts it's value to show time left rather than elapsed | true |
ratio | Aspect ratio (for embeds) | "16:9" |
clickToPlay | Click video container to play/pause | true |
hideControls | Auto hide the controls | true |
resetOnEnd | Reset to start when playback ended | false |
disableContextMenu | Disable the standard context menu | true |
loadSprite | Sprite (for icons) | true |
iconPrefix | Sprite (for icons) | "plyr" |
iconUrl | Sprite (for icons) | "https://cdn.plyr.io/3.3.5/plyr.svg" |
blankVideo | Blank video (used to prevent errors on source change) | "https://cdn.plyr.io/static/blank.mp4" |
quality | Quality default | { default: 576, options: [ 4320, 2880, 2160, 1440, 1080, 720, 576, 480, 360, 240, "default" ] } |
loop | Set loops | { loop: { active: false } } |
speed | Speed default and options to display | { selected: 1, options: [ 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2 ] } |
keyboard | Keyboard shortcut settings | { focused: true, global: false } |
tooltips | Display tooltips | { controls: false, seek: true } |
captions | Captions settings | { active: false, language: 'auto', update: false } |
fullscreen | Fullscreen settings | { enabled: true, fallback: true, iosNative: false } |
storage | Local storage | { enabled: true, key: 'plyr' } |
controls | Default controls | [ 'play-large', 'play', 'progress', 'current-time', 'mute', 'volume', 'captions', 'settings', 'pip', 'airplay', 'fullscreen' ] |
settings | [ 'captions', 'quality', 'speed' ] |
i18n | Localisation | { restart: 'Restart', rewind: 'Rewind {seektime} secs', play: 'Play', pause: 'Pause', fastForward: 'Forward {seektime} secs', seek: 'Seek', played: 'Played', buffered: 'Buffered', currentTime: 'Current time', duration: 'Duration', volume: 'Volume', mute: 'Mute', unmute: 'Unmute', enableCaptions: 'Enable captions', disableCaptions: 'Disable captions', enterFullscreen: 'Enter fullscreen', exitFullscreen: 'Exit fullscreen', frameTitle: 'Player for {title}', captions: 'Captions', settings: 'Settings', speed: 'Speed', normal: 'Normal', quality: 'Quality', loop: 'Loop', start: 'Start', end: 'End', all: 'All', reset: 'Reset', disabled: 'Disabled', enabled: 'Enabled', advertisement: 'Ad' } |
urls | URLs | { vimeo: { sdk: 'https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js', iframe: 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/{0}?{1}', api: 'https://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/{0}.json' }, youtube: { sdk: 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api', api: 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id={0}&key={1}&fields=items(snippet(title))&part=snippet', poster: 'https://img.youtube.com/vi/{0}/maxresdefault.jpg,https://img.youtube.com/vi/{0}/hqdefault.jpg' }, googleIMA: { sdk: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js' } } |
keys | API keys | { google: null } |
ads | Advertisements plugin Register for an account here: http://vi.ai/publisher-video-monetization/ |
{ enabled: false, publisherId: '', tagUrl: '' } |
tracks | [] |
Please open an issue for support.
Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.