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A handy command line interface script for managing local JSON databases.


This is designed only for small databases that can be easily accessed using a simple command line interface. The database has to fit into memory completely.


  • Tags: Tag your data for easy querying
  • Attributes: Attach extra data to your database entries via attributes (e.g. timestamp, etc.)
  • Enforced Tags (optional): Create a list of tags you want to have in your database. Assigning other tags to data will raise an error to prevent typos and similar.
  • Backups (optional): Enable backup creation to ensure your data doesn't get lost or corrupted
  • Platform-independent: This is written entirely in Python, which can be run on any OS
  • Portable: All data is (by default) stored in the user's Documents folder, allowing copying data between systems fairly easy, without having to dig in any external config or data folders
  • Data formatting: The built-in format subcommand makes formatting queried data very simple
  • No external dependencies except for the Python interpreter, which is available on nearly any system by default
  • It's really simple


There are multiple ways to install jsondb-cli.

The preferred way: pipx

The recommended and most straightforward way is using pipx:

pipx install git+

Now the program can be globally run using the jsondb command.

Installation via pip

You can also install the tool using the python package manager pip. However, it's good practice to create a virtual environment before installing. pipx does this automatically, which is why it is preferred.

Skip this step if you want to install the jsondb-cli into your global environment. It does not require any external dependencies.


python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Windows Powershell:

python -m venv .venv

Now your environment is ready for the installation:

pip install git+

Now it can be invoked using the jsondb command.

Running from source

If you do not want to use any package managers, you can as well clone the source code and run it using the python interpreter directly.

git clone
cd jsondb-cli

The command to run the script is now python -m jsondb.


For the full help run jsondb -h.

Here is an example routine to create, manage and use a database to store quotes. Tags are used to set the quote source and arguments to specify the year of the quote.

$ jsondb init quotes  # Create a database in ~/Documents/jsondb

$ jsondb modify quotes --enable-backups --enforce-tags
# Backups will be stored in ~/Documents/jsondb/.jsondb_backups_quotes/

$ jsondb modify quotes --add-tag gunther --add-tag fred --add-tag anonymous
# Create 3 new tags that can be attached to data entries

$ jsondb set quotes "I'm a nice human" -t gunther -a year:2024
# Add a new entry with the gunther tag and a year attribute set to 2024

$ jsondb set quotes "Me too" -t fred -a year:2024
$ jsondb set quotes "Everyone died, except for those, who didn't." -t anonymous -a year:2024
$ jsondb set quotes "Gunther: Who is the main character from Odyssey? Fred: Mario" -t fred -t gunther -a year:2025

$ jsondb set quotes "Ups, this wasn't intended"

$ jsondb id quotes "ups, this wasn't" --contains --case-insensitive  # Lookup ID from data literal
$ jsondb unset quotes 4  # Remove the accidentally added quote... Whoops

# Now what? Let's view the quotes!
$ jsondb browse quotes  # We can also filter by tags using the -f flag. Ex.: `jsondb browse quotes -f gunther`

000 | I'm a nice human
001 | Me too
002 | Everyone died, except for those, who didn't.
003 | Gunther: Who is the main character from Odyssey? Fred: Mario

[ID] Select entry     [N] Next     [P] Previous     [E] Exit

> 2  # Selecting ID 2

"Everyone died, except for those, who didn't."

Tags: anonymous
    year: 2024

[E <DATA>] Edit data
[A <TAGS>] Add tag (Can add multiple separated by whitespace)
[R <TAGS>] Remove tag (Can remove multiple separated by whitespace)
[S <ATTRS>] Set attribute (KEY:VALUE) (Can set multiple separated by whitespace)
[U <ATTRS>] Unset attribute (Can unset multiple separated by whitespace)
[D] Delete
[C] Cancel
[H] Help

> C  # Enough browsing, let's get back to our table
> E  # Exiting the table as well

$ jsondb query quotes -f fred
1, 3  # IDs of entries with the fred tag

$ jsondb query quotes -f fred -f gunther
3  # Has both tags

# Lastly, we can also format our data! The easiest way to do this is piping the output of query to format.
$ jsondb query quotes | jsondb format quotes  # We can change the format template as well, check jsondb format --help!
[000] "I'm a nice human" [gunther] {year: 2024}
[001] "Me too" [fred] {year: 2024}
[002] "Everyone died, except for those, who didn't." [anonymous] {year: 2024}
[003] "Gunther: Who is the main character from Odyssey? Fred: Mario" [gunther, fred] {year: 2025}

# Let's see what we have done
$ jsondb info quotes
Tags: fred, anonymous, gunther
Size: 4
Bytes: 442
Path: /home/user/Documents/jsondb/quotes.jsondb
Backups enabled: True
Tags enforced: True

And that's it!


A handy cli script for managing local JSON databases.







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