A web application for D&D magic classes to track spells known, spells prepared, and spells used.
Project Goals:
User Login
Character Creation ( using very basic ability scores )
Class Selection ( D&D 5e classes to begin )
Custom Classes ( Perhaps in Version 2 )
Spell Book containing "Spells Known" ( A list of selected Spells per class level )
Spell List containing class spell list ( A complete list of class spells )
Prepared Spells ( A selection Modal that prepares Spells for use between long rests )
Spell Slots ( ideally some sort of glowing gem that depletes when a spell is used )
Spell Use Selection ( this will open a Modal with spell information including: directions, spell power, damage, etc. )
Spell Selection ( Add additional spells to your Spell Book )
Spell Icons ( Shows what type of damage - fire, electricty, acid, etc. )