Perfect for Graphic Card Drops
- Audio Alerts
- Cell Phone Alerts
- Desktop Alerts
1st. You need to install Node.js v10+ to run.
2nd. You need to signup for Twitter Developer Program
3rd. You need to signup for Twilio (Just use the free plan it comes with $15.50 dollars in credit) Follow these simple steps to make a number)
Next we are going to need to do
git clone
cd ZotacStockChecker
npm install
Next you need to navigate to your ZotacStockChecker File and Fill out the .env like below
keyword=Source: Zotac Store Worker (This is set for Automatically)
dropsound=Alarm.mp3 (If you want to change the sound just drag it into the ZotacStockChecker file and rename it here .mp3 or .wav only)
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN= (This will be on the dashboard)
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID= (This will also be on the dashboard)
TWILIO_PHONENUMBER=+1 (This is the number it gave you make sure to include the +1 then this format +14153339845)
YOUR_PHONENUMBER=+1 (Your phonenumber format +14153339845)
consumer_key= (This is from Twitter)
consumer_secret= (From Twittr)
access_token= (From Twitter)
access_token_secret= (From Twitter)
droptwitterid=1363974177099816968 (This is the twitter account we use it is @BotPCParts)
Next Rename example.env just .env
Then we need to run the bot
node .
If you get the 100% loading bar your bot has loaded correctly