I'm a .Net engineer based in Brisbane, Australia.
I've been working in .Net since I graduated from the University of Queensland in 2007.
I am currently employed by Workday (I work on the Adaptive Planning product).
I'm a father of two, partner to one.
I enjoy watching football (soccer), but enjoy the analysis of games more than actually watching the games (maybe that's the engineer in me).
I'm a Manchester United fan...Glazers Out!
I mainly listen to trance music, with Super8 & Tab being my favourite artist.
I also listen to rock. nuMetal is probably my favourite rock genre with Papa Roach being my favourite artist.
My GitHub username, TheMagnificent11
, is play on words with the old "The Magnificent Seven" movie and my favourite football player at the time I signed up to GitHub, Ryan Giggs, who wore the number 11 shirt for Manchester United.
My main software engineering interests include domain-driven design and observability.
.Net Aspire looks interesting and I want to start using it in my personal projects.
Currently, I'm trying to get my head around OpenTelementry.Net and how to integrate it with Grafana and Loki.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Lewee
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to push traces and metrics to from .Net applications to Grafana.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Lewee.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help using .Net Aspire to deploy applications to Azure Container Apps while using Azure AD B2C for authentication and Azure Key Vault for secret management.
- 💬 Ask me about domain-driven design or football (soccer).
- 📫 How to reach me:
- Micro.blog
- Bluesky
- Mastodon
- Twitter/X, but I've stopped using it
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- ⚡ Fun fact
- My surname, Weerasingham, has a typo. It should start with "V".
- In Sri Lanka, where I was born, there are two main languages, Singhalese and Tamil.
- The Tamil spelling is "Veerasingham" and Singhalese spelling is "Weerasinghe", so mine is a mix of both because the family friend that registered my dad's birth was Singhalese and he made a mistake, but my dad decided to keep the incorrect spelling.