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Hi there 👋

I'm a .Net engineer based in Brisbane, Australia.

I've been working in .Net since I graduated from the University of Queensland in 2007.

I am currently employed by Workday (I work on the Adaptive Planning product).

I'm a father of two, partner to one.

I enjoy watching football (soccer), but enjoy the analysis of games more than actually watching the games (maybe that's the engineer in me).

I'm a Manchester United fan...Glazers Out!

I mainly listen to trance music, with Super8 & Tab being my favourite artist.

I also listen to rock. nuMetal is probably my favourite rock genre with Papa Roach being my favourite artist.

My GitHub username, TheMagnificent11, is play on words with the old "The Magnificent Seven" movie and my favourite football player at the time I signed up to GitHub, Ryan Giggs, who wore the number 11 shirt for Manchester United.

My main software engineering interests include domain-driven design and observability.

.Net Aspire looks interesting and I want to start using it in my personal projects.

Currently, I'm trying to get my head around OpenTelementry.Net and how to integrate it with Grafana and Loki.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on Lewee
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning how to push traces and metrics to from .Net applications to Grafana.
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Lewee.
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help using .Net Aspire to deploy applications to Azure Container Apps while using Azure AD B2C for authentication and Azure Key Vault for secret management.
  • 💬 Ask me about domain-driven design or football (soccer).
  • 📫 How to reach me:
  • 😄 Pronouns: he/him
  • ⚡ Fun fact
    • My surname, Weerasingham, has a typo. It should start with "V".
    • In Sri Lanka, where I was born, there are two main languages, Singhalese and Tamil.
    • The Tamil spelling is "Veerasingham" and Singhalese spelling is "Weerasinghe", so mine is a mix of both because the family friend that registered my dad's birth was Singhalese and he made a mistake, but my dad decided to keep the incorrect spelling.


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