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TheMaverickProgrammer edited this page Oct 11, 2020 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the Swoosh wiki!

Here is a list of all the segue effects that come with the library:

  1. BlendFadeIn
  2. Checkerboard
  3. SlideIn*
  4. PushIn*
  5. SwipeIn*
  6. ZoomIn
  7. ZoomOut
  8. HorizontalSlice
  9. VerticalSlice
  10. HorizontalOpen
  11. VerticalOpen
  12. PageTurn
  13. WhiteWashFade
  14. BlackWashFade
  15. PixelateBlackWashFade -- as seen in super mario games
  16. BlurFadeIn
  17. DiamondTileSwipe*
  18. DiamondTileCircle
  19. CircleOpen
  20. CircleClose
  21. Cube3D*
  22. RadialCCW
  23. Morph
  24. CrossZoom
  25. ZoomFadeIn
  26. ZoomFadeInBounce
  27. RetroBlit
  28. Dream

The (*) denotes directional transitions that move from one side of the screen to the other.

The user must designate the direction using the enum types::direction as a template argument.

Want to see what else comes with Swoosh? Lots.

Want to embed GLSL into your segue effects? Easy!

Want to embed textures directly into your segue source file?

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