A website simulating cricket tournaments, made using HTML, Tailwind CSS and Django
This website allows users to :
- Signup to the website
- login / logout
- Start new tournament or continue and existing one
- Simulate the matches
- View teams, schedule, points table, match scorecards, player stats, team stats and tournament stats
Download the files to your device by creating a clone of this project.
On a new terminal , run the command
git clone https://github.com/TheMockingJay1013/eMarket.git
To install Django run
pip install Django
Also install django-mathfilters by running
pip install django-mathfilters
move to the directory of the project using cd commands
In the project directory , make the migrations using the commands (This might not be necessary at times)
python manage.py makemigrations python manage,py migrate
Run the server using the command
python manage.py runserver
Open this link to view the website
- adding About , Contact , Privacy policy and terms of use pages
- Add animations to UI
- email verification