RemotePlayers is a Minecraft mod that pulls data from a dynmap server into Xaero's minimap. By asynchronously fetching data over a REST API, and displaying it through hooks into Xaero96's class files via Mixins.
What it looks like:
Requires both Xaero's world map and minimap mods.
Map names in Xaero's world map must match the Dynmap world names in order for in-game waypoints to be shown.
Example setup:
Server address must match the configured server address -> Dynmap URL mapping exactly as entered in the server settings.
Example setup:
/remoteplayers info <player name>
get info about a player
/remoteplayers list
get info about all players
This mod can be built by cloning this repository, then running:
./gradlew remapJar
The resulting mod files are stored in build/libs/