Low-level rpp-based Vulkan 1.3 abstraction layer.
rvk does not seek to redefine the Vulkan API, nor expose all of its configurability. Instead, rvk provides a convenient interface for modern desktop GPUs. It includes the following features:
- RAII wrappers for Vulkan objects
- GPU heap allocators (host and device)
- Multiple frames in flight and resource deletion queue
- Awaitable GPU tasks for coroutines
- Multithreaded command pool management for graphics, compute, and transfer queues
- Swapchain management and compositor
- Validation config and debug messaging
- Compile-time descriptor set layout specifications
- Shader hot reloading
- Dear ImGui integration
- NVIDIA Aftermath integration (optional)
rvk assumes your application uses dynamic rendering and bindless/BDA pipelines. It explicitly lacks the following features:
- Fine-grained resource management: the user wrangles scene data by sub-allocating buffers and/or using BDA.
- Shader source management: the user controls compilation to SPIR-V.
- Windowing: the user creates a window, chooses a swapchain extension, and tracks input.
- Scene graph / dependency tracking / barrier insertion
- Pipeline caching
The minimal API of rvk may be found in rvk.h.
To use rvk in your project, run the following commands (or manually download the source):
git submodule add https://github.com/TheNumbat/rvk
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then add the following lines to your CMakeLists.txt:
target_link_libraries($your_target PRIVATE rvk)
target_include_directories($your_target PRIVATE ${RVK_INCLUDE_DIRS})
If you're already using rpp, also set the following option:
To enable NVIDIA Aftermath, set the following option:
#include <rpp/base.h>
#include <rvk/rvk.h>
using namespace rpp;
i32 main() {
// Use your platform abstraction layer to create a window...
// Initialize your imgui platform backend...
Vec<String_View> swapchain_extensions = /* Find platform swapchain extensions */;
.imgui = true,
.swapchain_extensions = swapchain_extensions.slice(),
.create_surface =
[](VkInstance instance) {
return /* Create platform surface */;
rvk::Drop<rvk::Image> target{move(*rvk::make_image({1280, 720, 1}, VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM,
rvk::sync([&](rvk::Commands& cmds) {
rvk::Drop<rvk::Image_View> target_view{target->view(VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT)};
while(/* User hasn't quit */) {
// Do your rendering...
#include <rpp/base.h>
#include <rvk/rvk.h>
using namespace rpp;
i32 main() {
rvk::Shader_Loader loader = rvk::make_shader_loader();
auto vertex = loader.compile("shader.vert.spv"_v);
auto fragment = loader.compile("shader.frag.spv"_v);
loader.on_reload(Slice{{vertex, fragment}}, [&](Shader_Loader&) {
// Recreate your pipeline...
using Layout = List<rvk::Bind::Buffer_Storage<VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT>,
auto descriptor_set_layout = rvk::make_layout<Layout>();
auto descriptor_set = rvk::make_set(descriptor_set_layout);
VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo graphics = /* ... */;
rvk::Pipeline pipeline = rvk::make_pipeline(rvk::Pipeline::Info{
.push_constants = Slice{rvk::Push<VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT, u64>::range},
.descriptor_set_layouts = Slice{&descriptor_set_layout, 1},
.info = graphics
To build rvk on its own, run the following commands:
Assure MSVC 19.37 and cmake 3.17 (or newer) are installed and in your PATH.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
For faster parallel builds, you can instead generate ninja build files with cmake -G Ninja ..
Assure clang-17 and cmake 3.17 (or newer) are installed.
mkdir build
cd build
CXX=clang++-17 cmake ..
make -j
For faster parallel builds, you can instead generate ninja build files with cmake -G Ninja ..