Due to life becoming incredibly busy for the past while, I have been unable to work on KlipperWRT-EX. I hope to continue once I have a proper build system set up for KlipperWRT - which is unfortunately waiting on the Proxmox Developers to release ZFS 2.2.0-pve. ~ Gramdalf
A guide to get Klipper with fluidd, Mainsail or Duet-Web-Control on OpenWrt embeded devices like the Creality Wi-Fi Box. Or (almost) any device that can run OpenWRT
Note The old readme.md contains outdated information, so it has been moved off the main page. it can still be accessed here.
The original KlipperWRT, while great, is not perfect. There is outdated information, unclear instructions, and a bunch of other things - such as no real support for any device other than the Creality Wi-Fi Box. KlipperWRT-EX intends to fix that.
KlipperWRT-EX revolves around a few core principles:
- UCI integration
- Reproducibility
- Simplicity
- Safety More information on what this entails can be found here
- ihrapsa for the initial work getting everything working
- the ideea: Hackaday.com - for the article that set ihrapsa on this journey to begin with
- the hard part: figgyc - for porting OpenWrt to the Creality Wi-Fi Box
- the essentials:
- Kevin O'Connor - for Klipper
- cadriel - for fluidd
- mateyou - for mainsail
- Eric Callahan - for Moonraker
- Stephan3 - for dwc socket
- Duet3D - for DuetWebControl
- the fine tuning: andryblack - for the OpenWrt Klipper service
- the encouragement: Tom Hensel- for supporting ihrapsa in this endeavour, which I have now continued