This repo contains the assignments completed under the She Code Africa Mentorship Program
Week 1: Using the knowledge of Python Data types and operators, control flow, functions, I wrote a number guessing game program and a password generator program.
Week 2: This week, I learnt about basic mathematics for data science and completed a statistics and probability assignment on the eDX platform.
Week 3: This week, I learnt about some python libraries for data analysis, namely,Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. Then I used this knowledge to analyse and draw inference from the Chinook Music Store dataset.
Week 4: I wrote a medium article to summary what I've learnt in the first month of the mentorship program.
Week 5: This week I learnt basic SQL, SQL joins, SQL Aggregations and some advanced SQL queries. I completed a SQL course on LinkedIn Learning, got a certificate and ran SQL queries on the Chinook database I worked on in week 3.
Week 6: This week is quite interesting. I learnt about Tableau for the first time and it's very fascinating seeing the amount of information I can access with the right data. I created visualizations using the Super Store dataset. Check it out here!/vizhome/EfecctofDiscountonProfit/Howmuchsalesdowehaveovertheyearsbymonth
Week 7: I learnt another data visualization tool, Power BI, it's as cool as Tableau. I then visualized the Super Store Data I worked on last week using Power BI.
Week 8: I combined everything I've learnt in the past two months to carry out an exploratory analysis of a dataset. I chose the Malaria dataset because of my interest in health and how insights can be gained with the appropriate data. I used Power BI to create insightful visuals. I also wrote a non-technical post on the analysis. Read it here:
Week 9-12: For the last month of the program, I learnt about machine learning and built a linear regression model using the World Happiness Report. I wrote a technical article on the project. Read about my capstone project here:
The program has been challenging and rewarding at the same time. I'm glad I got to be a part of it.