- use W/A/S/D to control Fireboy
- use ↑/↓/←/→ to control Watergirl
- When each of the twins stepping at the door, it can't move anymore.
- When all of them stepping at the door, the player wins.
- Fireboy can pass Red Water, while Watergirl can pass Blue Water.
- Neither of them can pass Green Water.
- If obeyed, the player loses.
- Eat related color of diamond to get extra +1000 points.
- Game Proposal && Gameplay design
- Map design
- Resource:
- Audios
- Fireboy and Watergirl (Spritesheet)
- Doors
- Twins (All)
- Scene/PlayScene (Boy and girl related functions)
- Scene/PlayScene: Timer
- machine/Elevator (Update())
- online Scoreboard
- LoseScene/Winscene images
- Resource:
- Lever/Button/Elevator/Switch
- game title/startScene background
- Red/Blue/Green Water
- machine: Lever/Button/Switch mechanics
- StartScene/StageSelectScene/SettingScene: ALL
- LoseScene/Winscene/ScoreboardScene: backgroud && button
- PlayScene: piled twins (right bottom of the screen)