A virtual assistant created by Charlie using Node.js!
This assistant is a work in progress an I do not reccomend downloading it and trying it untill it is finished!
To run the program, please ensure that you have Node.js installed, and run npm start in the base directory of the project!
mavis-utils ( https://github.com/TheTrueGravity/mavis-utils/ )
None of these commands are currently functional, but will be implemented later on!
Who/what are you? ( Displays information about the bot! )
What is the meaning of life? ( Displays the meaning of life! )
Google [insert what to google here] ( Displays the first google result! )
Add [two numbers to add] ( Displays the sum of 2 numbers! )
Subtract/take away [two numbers to subtract] ( Displays the difference of 2 numbers! )
Multiply/times [two numbers to multiply] ( Displays the product of 2 numbers! )
Devide [two numbers to devide] ( Displays the quotient of 2 numbers! )