The Utilities Package For M.A.V.I.S.
This package uses 'Brain.js' and say, along with their requirements!
An Array Object Where You Get/Set Objects By A string.
3 functions:
set: Sets an object in the array,
get: Gets an object in the array,
remove: Removes an object in the array.
A neural network that uses number arrays
( Takes in a network name, takes in training data [ optional ] )
2 functions:
run: Runs the neural network ( takes in an int array )
train: Trains the neural network ( takes in an int set of Brain.js training data )
A neural network that uses string arrays
( Takes in a network name, takes in training data [ optional ] )
2 functions:
run: Runs the neural network ( takes in a string array )
train: Trains the neural network ( takes in a string set of Brain.js training data )
A script to speak what you input
1 function:
run: Speaks the input ( takes in a string )
Takes in audio input from the microphone and translates it to text
To run, call the function:
var data = null;
utils.speech_rec((output) => {
//run code you want here
data = output