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Releases: TheYuriG/Yura

Yura v0.65.152

08 Jun 16:25
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Yura v0.65.152 Pre-release
  • In Games, when using ListView, reduced the size of the progress bar on the right side of a game. This will give more real space specially for mobile users, since some of its data (time / trophy total) was moved elsewhere.
  • In Games, moved the level to the trophy distribution below.
  • Added a side menu to Games that will be where the level info previously was. This menu will get prettified in the future.

Yura v0.65.149

25 May 14:58
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Yura v0.65.149 Pre-release
  • Fixed an issue that caused the trophy data to not be fetched after doing an update where new trophies have been earned. It should actually be fixed this time, despite the previous releases stating it was fixed. Sorry!
  • In Games, the Ratio stat will update based on the fetched trophy data, so even if fetching trophy data fails, the trophy distribution and the ratio won't mismatch anymore.
  • Added game points to Games.
  • In Games Search, the border of backlogged games will now have better contrast. The backlog button will now also change colors when the game is backlogged.
  • In Games, BlockView will no longer display "Last Earned Trophy" if the last trophy was earned up to 24 hours before the last played day. Having both of those displaying was only relevant if you had a late sync or if you continue playing a specific game despite not earning trophies in it anymore. Users should now be fed less irrelevant data with this update.
  • Fixed a bug causing Trophy List to be impossible to sort by timestamps when you had 100% trophies.
  • Games will now be sort-able by several different parameters, like last/first trophy earned, game points total/pending, game trophies total/pending. To accommodate this large array of sorting options, sorting was now broke down in 2 categories: General Sorting (same A↑Z icon from before) and Completion Sorting (it's a graph-like icon, next to General Sorting.

Yura v0.63.145

11 May 19:48
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Yura v0.63.145 Pre-release
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the app to become unresponsive if a new trophy list was added to your profile.
  • (Hopefully) Fixed the bug that would prevent profiles from getting their trophy data fetched automatically.

Yura v0.63.143

06 May 19:45
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Yura v0.63.143 Pre-release
  • Improved the contrast of the lighter themes to match the darker themes.
  • Changed the available fonts. Arvo and Goldman stay, every other font got dumped, 5 new fonts were added to replace them. Full list on the related trello card:
  • Removed the border color coding for Trophy Log and Trophy Advisor. The trophies displayed on those are never intertwined, so there was no reason to color code those borders. Both will now default to white.

Yura v0.63.140

03 May 17:12
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Yura v0.63.140 Pre-release
  • Fixed trophy distribution when a specific trophy type is not present in a list (non-plats) and games without bronzes, silvers or golds.
  • Fixed a bug causing the "Timed" filter in Games to always display green. It will also now display a different icon whenever it's enabled or disabled.
  • Updated Backlog and Games Search to use the same display pattern as Games, for the ListView.
  • (PC Only) Fixed button sizes for mustplat and mustnotplat icons in the filters for Games.

Yura v0.63.136

03 May 14:13
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Yura v0.63.136 Pre-release
  • Fixed an app breaking bug that would cause the app to stop working if you visited a trophy list.

Yura v0.63.135

03 May 08:59
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Yura v0.63.135 Pre-release
  • BREAKING CHANGE: If you had installed that and deleted all your data, you have to do it again. This update changed how data is handled internally and fixed some spaghetti in order to improve performance. There very likely won't be any more breaking changes from now onward, until the moment support to all websites is added. Some additional core data will have to be changed when that happens.
  • Fixed bugs in yesterday's release v0.63.134.

Yura v0.63.134

02 May 22:31
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Yura v0.63.134 Pre-release
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Now pulling more metadata from trophy lists. Please delete all data from your device in the options menu before proceeding.
  • BlockView in Games will now clearly display last played day (better tracked on PS4 and PS5) and last earned trophy.
  • ListView in Games will display the trophies distribution better.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause "last played" date to not be localized.
  • "Gap" in between trophies will now be localized.

Yura v0.62.130

27 Apr 22:44
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Yura v0.62.130 Pre-release
  • Trophy data update. When pulling all trophies, data will also be fetched and attached to the game, regarding first trophy, last trophy and the gap between them.
  • This opens up the path to the Freedom Wars - Incompletion Sentence update, suggested by thermopyle2 at discord.

Yura v0.61.130

26 Apr 12:29
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Yura v0.61.130 Pre-release
  • (PC only) Changed the box size for Pull All Trophies.
  • In Trophy List, when using Minimal View, trophy descriptions will be displayed when you hover over the trophies (PC) or long press them (mobile).
  • In Trophy List, hidden trophies will now be displayed as normal if they were earned.
  • In Trophy List/Log/Advisor, hidden trophies will now state they are hidden and how you can view their information. Thanks to retronplay for pointing out this several weeks ago.
  • In Trophy Log/Advisor, fixed a bug that would cause the view mode button to always show the grid icon.
  • In Trophy Advisor, hidden trophies will have their information hidden, if the hidden filter is enabled. This mirrors how they are handled in Trophy List.
  • You can now sort Trophy Advisor to display trophies from games you have either played recently or a long time ago.
  • Updating your profile from the main screen will now trigger the Pull All Trophies operation. The button remains inside Trophy Log/Advisor just in case, but ideally you will never need to manually use it anymore.