Party Explorer is a simple app to sample some basic technical implementation for an iOS using Swift, such as: API integration, SwiftUI, Concunrrency and MVVM with Clean Architecture elements.
✔️ Home screen displaying a list of parties details.
✔️ It's possible to filter the list of parties, and generate a new party, randomly.
- Swift: programming language
- SwiftUI: for building the layout
- Concurrency: for retriving the data from a mocked API, smoothly
Architecture used was MVVM, with some elements of Clean Architecture. Strong reference used: repo.
Important to notice that the UseCase layer was not used to make things simpler, would be a over kill to this simple app.
It merely used a JSON file to simulate the data used in the program, which would typically have come via an online API.
It is quite straightforward:
Open the Xcode Project file.
Made by Ruyther Costa | Find me on LinkedIn