The text below was authored by Delafontaine Ludovic and Hadrien Louis. I simply copied their tutorial to see it in my repo.
If you are using Linux (WSL excluded) or macOS, you can install and use SDKMAN! to install and switch between different versions of Java.
Then, install Java 17 Temurin:
# Install Java 17 Temurin
sdk install java 17.0.8-tem
If you are on Windows, we recommend to install Java 17 directly on your system, without using a version manager even if you are using WSL.
Install Java 17 Temurin from the official website:
Open a terminal and type java --version
The output should be similar to this:
openjdk 17.0.8 2023-07-18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.8+7 (build 17.0.8+7)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.8+7 (build 17.0.8+7, mixed mode, sharing)
In this section, you will download and run Maven manually. In a future section, you will initialize the Maven wrapper using Maven itself.
Download the latest version of Maven from the official website: Download the Binary archive, not the Source archive. Once downloaded, you can extract the archive.
Open a terminal and switch to the directory where you extracted the archive.
If you are using Linux (WSL excluded) or macOS, you can then run Maven with the following command:
# Switch to the directory where you extracted the archive
cd ~/Downloads/apache-maven-*
# Run Maven
./bin/mvn --version
If you are using Windows, you can then run Maven with the following command:
# Switch to the directory where you extracted the archive
cd %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\apache-maven-*
# Run Maven
.\bin\mvn.cmd --version
The output should be similar to this:
Apache Maven 3.9.4 (dfbb324ad4a7c8fb0bf182e6d91b0ae20e3d2dd9)
Maven home: /Users/ludelafo/Downloads/apache-maven-3.9.4
Java version: 17.0.8, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: /Users/ludelafo/.sdkman/candidates/java/17.0.8-tem
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "13.5.1", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
This means that Maven is correctly running.
If you are using Linux (WSL excluded) or macOS, use your package manager to
install Maven. This will add Maven to your PATH
so you can use it anywhere.
If you are using Windows, you can add Maven to your PATH
manually. You can
follow this tutorial:
In this section, you will install and configure IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition.
You can use another IDE if you prefer, but we have great experience with IntelliJ IDEA.
Follow the official documentation to enable the IntelliJ student license:
Go to the official website and following the instructions on how to install IntelliJ Toolbox App on your system:
Open IntelliJ Toolbox App and login with your JetBrains account.
Install IntelliJ IDEA from the Toolbox App and you should be good to go!
In this section, you will create a new Maven project with IntelliJ IDEA.
Open IntelliJ IDEA and create a new project. Fill the form as shown in the following screenshot:
Press the "Run" button in the toolbar to run the Maven project.
The output should be Hello World!
in the "Run" tab.
Open a terminal within IntelliJ IDEA. Initialize the Maven wrapper using the Maven binary you downloaded previously:
# Initialize the Maven wrapper
~/Downloads/apache-maven-3.9.4/bin/mvn wrapper:wrapper
This will create the Maven wrapper files in your project:
├── .mvn
│ └── wrapper
│ ├── maven-wrapper.jar
│ └──
├── mvnw
└── mvnw.cmd
The mvnw
and mvnw.cmd
files are the Maven wrapper scripts. These files are
committed to Git.
The maven-wrapper.jar
file is the Maven wrapper itself. This file is not
committed to Git.
file contains the configuration of the Maven
wrapper. This file is committed to Git.
Now, instead of using the Maven binary you downloaded previously, you can use the Maven wrapper:
# Check the Maven version
./mvnw --version
The output should be similar to the previous execution of Maven.
Maven uses the pom.xml
file to define the build process of your
Maven has a plugin called maven-jar-plugin
that can be used to generate a
JAR file from your application.
Add the following configuration to the pom.xml
You can find the latest version of the maven-jar-plugin
on the Maven
You can now generate a JAR file using the package
# Package the application
./mvnw package
Maven will generate a JAR file in the target
Run the JAR file using the java
# Run the application
java -jar target/java-intellij-idea-and-maven-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
The output should be Hello World!
Congratulations! You have successfully created and run your first Maven project!
You could share this JAR file with other developers and they could run it on their computer, without having to install IntelliJ IDEA or Maven.
Running Maven commands from the command line is not very convenient. You can store the Maven configuration as an IntelliJ IDEA Run/Debug configuration.
This will allow you to run Maven commands from IntelliJ IDEA, without having to open a terminal.
Other developers will also be able to run Maven commands from IntelliJ IDEA, as the Run/Debug configurations can be committed to Git.
In the "Run" tab, click on the "Edit Configurations..." button.
Click on the "+" button and select "Maven".
Fill the form as shown in the following screenshot:
Notice the Run command: dependency:resolve clean compile package
This will download the dependencies, delete the compiled classes, compile the source code and package the application.
By checking the Store as project file checkbox, the Run/Debug configuration
will be stored in the .idea
directory, which can be committed to Git.
Make usage of the Maven wrapper by modifying the Maven option.
Save the configuration and run it by pressing the "Run" button in the toolbar.
The output should be similar to the previous execution of Maven.
Let's add the
dependency to the pom.xml
<!-- -->
What is the difference between a Maven dependency and a Maven plugin ? A plugin performs a specific task, such as compiling the source code or generating a JAR file. It won't be included in the JAR file generated by Maven. A dependency is an external library used by your application, such as Logback. It will be included in the JAR file generated by Maven.You can find more information about this in this StackOverflow answer
Update the src/main/java/ch/heigvd/
file to use Logback:
package ch.heigvd;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Main.class);
logger.debug("Hello World!");
Download the Logback dependency by running the Maven dependency:resolve
# Download the dependencies
./mvnw dependency:resolve
Run the Current file Run/Debug configuration to execute the application within IntelliJ IDEA.
Having trouble with IntelliJ IDEA not recognizing theLogger
class? Try the following: Right-click on the project > Maven > Reload project. This will reload the Maven project and download the dependencies.
Build the project using the Maven package
# Package the application
./mvnw package
Run the JAR file using the java
# Run the application
java -jar target/java-intellij-idea-and-maven-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
It does not work! The output is an error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory
at ch.heigvd.Main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 1 more
Why? Because the maven-jar-plugin
does not include the dependencies in the JAR
file by default.
Let's fix this.
Update the pom.xml
file to include the dependencies in the JAR file. You need
to replace the previous build
section with the following:
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.DontIncludeResourceTransformer">
This will use the maven-shade-plugin
to include the dependencies in the JAR
You can find the latest version of the maven-shade-plugin
on the Maven
This plugin will intervene in the package
phase of the Maven build process. It
will execute the shade
goal, which will transform the JAR file to include the
A goal is a specific command that can be executed by a plugin.
Build and run the project using the following commands:
# Download the dependencies
./mvnw dependency:resolve
# Package the application
./mvnw package
# Run the application
java -jar target/java-intellij-idea-and-maven-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
The output should now be Hello World!
You should notice the following elements:
- The
directory contains thejava-intellij-idea-and-maven-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
file - A new
file was created - A new
file was created
The java-intellij-idea-and-maven-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
file is the JAR file
generated by the maven-shade-plugin
plugin with all dependencies included.
The original-java-intellij-idea-and-maven-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
file is the JAR
file generated by the maven-shade-plugin
plugin without all dependencies
included. If you try to run the application with this JAR file, you will get the
same error as before.
The dependency-reduced-pom.xml
file is a reduced version of the pom.xml
file, containing only the dependencies used by the application and not the
transitive dependencies.
Why is it so complex to package an application with Java and Maven? Why do we need to use a plugin to include the dependencies in the JAR file?Java can be used to develop many different types of applications, such as desktop applications, mobile applications, web applications, librairies, etc. Each type of application has its own needs and specificities. This is why Maven does not include the dependencies in the JAR file by default. This is also why we need to use a plugin to include the dependencies in the JAR file.
We will not go any deeper in this topic in this course. You will learn more about this in other future courses. Our goal here is to give you the tools to develop Java applications and share them with other developers easily.
Open a terminal within IntelliJ IDEA and initialize a local Git repository:
# Initialize a local Git repository with a branch called `main`
git init --initial-branch=main
By default, IntelliJ IDEA did create a .gitignore
file and a
file containing the files to be ignored by Git.
If you open these files, you will notice that it contains many files and directories that are specific to IntelliJ IDEA, but also for other IDEs and specific configurations.
Many tools exist to generate .gitignore
files, such as
We consider this as bad practice as it makes the comprehension of the codebase harder (What am I really using?). You should only ignore files that are specific to your project, the tools you are using and the environment you are working in.
Let's clean the .gitignore
Open the .gitignore
file update the content to the following:
## IntelliJ IDEA
# General
# Editor-based HTTP Client requests
# Datasource local storage ignored files
## Linux
# Temporary files
## macOS
# Files created by macOS Finder
## Maven
## Windows
# Windows thumbnail cache files
# Folder config file
Delete the .idea/.gitignore
Add a
file to explain what the project is, how to build it and how
to run it.
Create a new GitHub repository as seen in a previous chapter. Do not initialize
it with a README, a license or a .gitignore
Do not initialize the repository with a README, a license or a.gitignore
file! You will add these files later.
GitHub should provide you with the commands to add the remote repository and push the project to GitHub:
# Add the remote repository
git remote add origin <URL_TO_YOUR_GITHUB_REPOSITORY>
# Add the files to the staging area
git add .
# Check that only the required files are added to the staging area
git status
# Commit the files to the local repository
git commit -m "Initial commit"
# Push the project to GitHub
git push --set-upstream origin main
The last command will push the main
branch to the origin
remote repository
and set the main
branch as the default branch.
Open the GitHub repository in your browser and check that the files have been pushed to GitHub.