Example projects for the ThingPulse Pendrive S3
Buy here: https://thingpulse.com/product/esp32-s3-pendrive-s3-128mb/
# How To Use
- Checkout this repository with git
- Open with VS Code
- Setup Platformio for VS Code
- Select one sample in the environment selector, e.g. env:mouse-keyboard
- Build and upload the sample
- ffat: demonstrates how to use the FFAT library to write to the onboard 128MB NAND chip
- mouse-keyboard: how to use the Pendrive S3 to simulate a mouse and keyboard HID device
- msc: how to mount a mass storage device and write to the NAND chip
- rgb-led: how to change colors on the onboard WS2812b
- sdio: how to use the 4bit interface to the NAND flash chip
- touch: how to use the onboard capacitive button