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=== WP-Simple-Social ===
Contributors: dallasb86
Donate link:
Tags: social, icons, widgets
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.4.2
Stable tag: 2.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

WP-Simple-Social aims to give users a clean simple approach to creating a more social website. 

== Description ==

WP-Simple-Social is a clean minimal plugin for WordPress that allows the user to add a "social" widget to their sidebar. The plugin allows the user three main sections to customize. There is the option to add a profile picture, an "about" paragraph or social icons. Each are is optional, so if you only want a profile picture but no icons or paragraph that is possible. 

WP-Simple-Social Features

* Upload any picture size to your sidebar (dimensions constrained by sidebar size)
* Add a transparent hover effect to the image
* Add an "about" or "greeting" paragraph
* Choose to display up to twenty nine different social media icons
* Choose the color for the icon and the icon background
* Add a transparent hover effect to the icons
* Clean minimal design
* Optional profile image
* Optional “About” paragraph or text
* Twenty nine optional social icons
* Optional transparency effects
* Icon font instead of individual images
* Retina device ready

The plugin includes the following icons:

* Amazon
* Blogger
* Delicious
* Deviant Art
* Dribbble
* Facebook
* Flickr
* Forrst
* Github
* Google Plus
* LastFM
* Picassa
* Pinterest
* Reddit
* Skype
* Sound Cloud
* Tumblr
* Twitter
* Vimeo
* WordPress
* Android
* Apple
* Chrome
* CSS3
* Internet Explorer
* Opera
* Windows

For more information, check out the project homepage at
== Installation ==

= Using The WordPress Dashboard =

1. Navigate to the 'Add New' Plugin Dashboard
2. Select `` from your computer
3. Upload
4. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugin Dashboard

= Using FTP =

1. Extract `` to your computer
2. Upload the `WP-Simple-Social` directory to your `wp-content/plugins` directory
3. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugins dashboard

== Screenshots ==

1. Square non-transparent icons 
2. Round non-transparent icons
3. Transparency added to the icons and the photo 

== Changelog ==

= 2.0 =
* Added new icons
* Added localization
* Added the option for round or square icons and picture
* Added the option for transparent icons and picture  
* Removed link to premium version

= 1.0.1 =
* Added a link to the premium version of WP-Simple-Social

= 1.0 =
* Initial release


Simple and clean WordPress social icon widget






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