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  • NodeJS 18

Configure the app

Provide the following environment variables (in a .env file for example):

PORT = <Port Boothby will listen on | Default : 3000>

PGHOST = <Host of the PostgreSQL DB | Default : localhost>
PGPORT = <Port of the PostgreSQL DB | Default : 5432>
PGDATABASE = <Name of the PostgreSQL DB | Default : boothby>
PGUSER = <User used to connect to the PostgreSQL DB | Default : boothby>
PGPASSWORD = <Password used to connect to the PostgreSQL DB | Default : boothby>

SLACK_CLIENT_ID = <Slack App client ID>
SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET = <Slack App client secret>
SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET = <Slack App signing secret>

APP_URL = <Exposed URL of Boothby>

Open a tunnel to test the app locally

In a dedicated terminal, launch ngrok :

ngrok http 3000

Take note of the ngrok URL and report the HTTPS URL in the APP_URL env variable :

APP_URL = <Exposed URL of Boothby>

Then, run the app in another terminal :

npm run migrate
npm start

Configure Slack with Ngrok

In the Slack App, navigate to :

  • Interactivity & Shortcuts : set the Request URL as <Ngrok URL>/api/interactive
  • OAuth & Permissions : set the Redirect URLs as <NGrok URL>
  • Event Subscriptions : set the Request URL as <Ngrok URL>/slack/events