Node-Red node for Neato Botvac robots
Depends on node-botvac
Due to add map supprt I had to rename the neato-botvac node to neato-status since Version 0.1.0. Sorry!
- Place "neato status" node
- Open configuration of node and click on the pencil button to create a new neato configuration
- Enter eMail and password of your neato account (you need to be registered!)
- Configure the index of the robot (0 - first robot, 1 - second robot, ...)
If you want to get a status update of the robot the payload needs to be value 'true'. Following output is generated by the web api of neato:
For more information about the possible output visit Neato Robot Remote Protocol or Neato Nucleo Api
The following commands are available at the moment:
All parameters which are not given will be preset with the internal settings of robot! Parameters are only examples here...
Available only on some models!
All parameters which are not given will be preset with the internal settings of robot! Parameters are only examples here...
{"command":"startSpotCleaning","eco":true,"width":50, "height": 20, "repeat":false, "navigationmode":1}
All parameters which are not given will be preset with the internal settings of robot! Parameters are only examples here...
All parameters (except boundaryId) which are not given will be preset with the internal settings of robot! To execute the command you have to set a boundaryId of a map! Parameters are only examples here...
{"command":"startCleaningBoundary","eco":true, "extraCare":false, "boundaryId":"XXXXX"}
To get map information place the neato-maps node and configure the neato config as described above. Any command on the input side will cause to get the actual map data from your configured robot.
Example of the output data of the node:
"stats": {},
//... Up to 20 entries
To get boundary information place the neato-boundary node and configure the neato config as described above. There are two commands to execute in this node:
To get a mapID you have to look for it with the neato-map node! Parameters are only examples here...
{"command":"startSpotCleaning","mapid":"-->Get this with the map node!"}
To get a mapID you have to look for it with the neato-map node! Boundaries are given as array with the following data:
- {string} color - color hex code for a type polygone or '#000000' for a type polyline
- {bool} enabled - always true, unknown usage
- {string} id - boundary id (uuid-v4)
- {string} name - polygone name or empty string for a type polyline
- {number[]} [relevancy] - array of 2 number, center of a type polygone
- {string} type - either polyline (for a no go lines) or polygon (for a zone)
- {number[][]} vertices - array of array of two points, coordinates of the points Parameters are only examples here...
{"command":"startSpotCleaning","mapid":"-->Get this with the map node!", "boundaries":"-->see object definition above"}
To extract the errors and alerts out of the complete payload of the status node, I added the nodes neato-alerts and neato-errors. These two nodes will give you a human readable string of the enum which Neato offers. Simply connect these to the neato-status node.
To extract the state and action out of the complete payload of the status node, I added the nodes neato-state and neato-action. These two nodes will give you a human readable string of the enum which Neato offers. Simply connect these to the neato-status node.
Please open an issue to ask for new features!