PlayerAds is an open-sourced Player Advertisement plugin.
Okay, cool, but what does it offer? Why should I use it?
With use of our amazing Multi-Server module, everything will be synced between servers.
Provides players a seamless experience.
That does not mean you can't use PlayerAds on a Single-Server setup!
Plugin works without any issues on Single-Server setups as well.
Feel free to use this project in your single-server setups!
Well... why not? (also it's a good project for my portfolio :p)
However, this does not mean you will get support when using the plugin without purchasing the plugin.
Support will be given to customers and donors only.
Please consider buying or donating, so I can actually keep this project updated.
(Modules provided by us are also open-sourced and can be found on our GitHub page.)
I would like to thank everyone, specially to our contributors, testers, supporters and customers.
More information will be given in the future. :)