This script provides a cross-browser way of preventing scroll on the body element. A common use case for this is when a modal window is open. Without this script, it’s easy for users to unknowingly scroll the page behind the modal and be disoriented when it’s closed.
Inspired by
Note: Once Safari and iOS Safari support the “touch-action” CSS property (, we can simply toggle a class that adds the following:
.js-no-scroll body {
overflow: hidden;
touch-action: none;
/* Create class to allow scrolling on certain elements, like modal windows */
.allow-scroll { touch-action: auto !important; }
yarn add @threespot/freeze-scroll
import scroll from "@threespot/freeze-scroll";
// Disable scrolling
// Enable scrolling
NOTE: Calling freeze()
or unfreeze()
will trigger a scroll event. If you have other scroll event listeners, you may want to ignore this event by checking for the js-no-scroll
class on the <html>
window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
// Ignore scroll events trigger by freeze-scroll
if (document.documentElement.classList.contains('js-no-scroll')) {
return false;
// continue with your scroll event handler code
This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the MIT license.
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