Helper function to wrap the last X words in an HTML tag to prevent them from wrapping.
- This script doesn’t check if text is visible (possible future enhancement)
- Using this inside of links or headings could cause issues in VoiceOver on iOS
- See for solutions
yarn add @threespot/unorphanize
// ES6 module
import Unorphanize from "@threespot/unorphanize";
// For transpiled ES5 code, import this file:
// import Unorphanize from "@threespot/unorphanize/dist/unorphanize.m";
const nodes = document.querySelectorAll("[data-orphans]");
nodes.forEach(function(el) {
var u = new Unorphanize(el, {
wordCount: 2, // number of words to prevent wrapping [default: 2]
wrapEl: "span", // wrapper element tag [default: "span"]
inlineStyles: true, // Add “white-space: nowrap;” to elements as inline style [default: true]
className: "custom-class", // Custom class to add to wrapper [default: ""]
append: "" // HTML to append to wrapper [default: ""]
<p data-orphans>First second third fourth <b>fifth</b> <i>sixth</i>.</p>
<p data-orphans>First second third fourth <span class="custom-class" style="white-space: nowrap !important;"><b>fifth</b> <i>sixth</i>.</span></p>
To support setting wordCount
in the HTML, you could do something like this:
import Unorphanize from "@threespot/unorphanize";
const nodes = document.querySelectorAll("[data-orphans]");
nodes.forEach(function(el) {
const options = {};
// Check for custom word count
const wordCount = el.getAttribute("data-orphans");
// Set custom word count if defined (defaults to 2)
if (wordCount) {
options.wordCount = wordCount;
var u = new Unorphanize(el, options);
<p data-orphans="3">First second third fourth fifth sixth.</p>
<p data-orphans="3">First second third <span style="white-space: nowrap !important;">fourth fifth sixth.</span></p>
We recommend using a custom class instead of inline styles to allow wrapping in small viewports.
const nodes = document.querySelectorAll("[data-orphans]");
nodes.forEach(function(el) {
var u = new Unorphanize(el, {
inlineStyles: false,
className: "nowrap"
Example CSS
@media all and (min-width: 320px) {
.nowrap {
white-space: nowrap !important;
Example HTML:
<p data-orphans>First second third fourth.</p>
<p data-orphans>First second <span class="nowrap">third fourth.</span></p>
Unorphanize is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the MIT license.
Threespot is an independent digital agency hell-bent on helping those, and only those, who are committed to helping others. Find out more at