I am Chris, an AI Master's student from Austria, who loves to code and experiment!
Here are some of my repos and projects that I am particularly proud of! ✨
- Adv-MultVAE accompanies our SIGIR'22 paper "Unlearning Protected User Attributes in Recommendations with Adversarial Training", for which I have written most of the code.
- Recommender Metrics implements all recommender metrics that we use in our paper above to quantify our results.
- SiBraR - Single-Branch Recommender accompanies our RecSys'24 paper "A Multimodal Single-Branch Embedding Network for Recommendation in Cold-Start and Missing Modality Scenarios".
- WinShortcut, my favorite developer tool to define shortcuts on Windows. If you are also working on Windows, be sure to check it out!
- PyCalc, a little side-project, which taught me how to properly (and safely 😉) evaluate equations specified as strings.
- Pomodoro, following the famous Pomodoro technique for studying. Useful for any student 😄.
- PP Time Tracker tracks how long the slide slow of a PowerPoint presentation takes.
Feel free to browse through all my other repositories, and see, if anything sparks your interests! 😆
I am happy to connect on LinkedIn! 🤗