Developed By: TimmyTurner51 (TimmyCraft)
Join our discord server! I upload progress there very frequently!
Platforms: TI-84 Plus CE.
OS versions: You can use anything below OS 5.5.
Version: DEV_ALPHA v1.0.2
WARNING! Backup your RAM before using this program! This is in heavy development, and bugs do exist. Some may cause crashes, but basic functionality is there.
- Up, down, left, and right arrow keys = Move around
- To fly, double press the up key quickly, as you would in real minecraft
- alpha, mode, stat, apps keys will move the block cursor
- 2nd places
- del destroys
- [y=] through [graph] changes the selected hotbar slot.
- [X,T,0,n] opens the inventory.
- [math] is for in-game chat (not finished)
Added features and improvements:
- Basic necessary settings added
- In-game pause menu (in-game settings not added until normal settings are more complete.
- Languages! We have English and Dutch thus far (dutch provided by Swordgirl)
- Settings page revamp!
- More World Generation Options screen, which lets you toggle flowers, villages, etc.
- Settings save and load.
- Sprites now load in their own array, so the game loads from those rather than individual sprite data from the appvars.
- Graphics for resource loading. This is based on official Minecraft resource loading screen.
- Village houses!
Known bugs:
- Village Generation can be a bit...broken. I'm working on fixing it asap.
- FPS counter may not be 100% accurate. Using the barebones method, it only gave 1 FPS, even though the game wasn't that slow. So I'm reworking it to take into account the render speed, game speed, etc.
- When loading a previous world, and exit, the saving/compression routine can be way too slow, freeze (requiring RAM reset), or even crash the calc completely (more rare).
- When loading a previous world, the gamemode resets to survival when it was originally creative.
Future Updates (in order of timeline):
- Finish Village Generation
- World Seed implementation
- Finish gamemodes
- Dimensions
Thanks for testing! This will be updated frequently!