Please follow follow the procedures below to run our project. (The web page programs are in the "CarlorTheLife" folder) (The sql scripts are in the "sql_script" folder) (The data mining programs are in the "data_mining" folder)
Intstall Django Framework* You should first intall the Django framework
Steps to build the database* Step 1 Create a databse named with "CarRental3"
Step 2 (In the file "/CarlorTheLife/ColorTheLife/") In line 104, change the password of mysql database to yours
Step 3 (cd to the folder "CarlorTheLife" and run these commands) python3 makemigrations sys_RegLog python3 makemigrations sys_Purchase python3 makemigrations sys_Customer python3 migrate
Step 4 (cd to the folder sql_script) run db_init.sql run fake_data_populate.sql
Run the Web* After setting the database of the project, you can start to execute the program.You can execute the following command in your terminal:
python3 runserver 9090
(If you encounter an error saying that a package is not installed, please use pip or other methods to install it) Then you need to go to a web server type the following web address:
Finally you can start to use the web !!! You should first register an account and then login to enjoy our website!