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lonja Selter edited this page Aug 5, 2016 · 3 revisions
 s                                    //send data to extension (create new ticket)
   :tcp                               //streamsocket related functions
       :new                           //create new socket
           :socketname                //the identifier of the socket you wish to create
       :Send                          //send data to socket
            :socketname               //the identifier of the socket you wish to use
                       :datatosend    //the data you want to send to the socket
       :recv                          //recieve data from socket
            :socketname               //the identifier of the socket you wish to use
       :srecv                         //send and recieve in one call
              :socketname             //the identifier of the socket you wish to use
       :close                         //closes/shuts down the socket
              :socketname             //the identifier of the socket you wish to close
   :udp                               //datagram socket related functions
       :new                           //create new socket
           :socketname                //the identifier of the socket you wish to create
       :Send                          //send data to socket
             :socketname              //the identifier of the socket you wish to use
                        :datatosend   //the data you want to send to the socket
       :recv                          //recieve data from socket
            :socketname               //the identifier of the socket you wish to use
       :srecv                         //send and recieve in one call
              :socketname             //the identifier of the socket you wish to use
       :close                         //closes/shuts down the socket
              :socketname             //the identifier of the socket you wish to close
 :version                             //retrieve base version number
 :APIVersion                          //retrieve api version
 :maxlength                           // retrieve the maximum packet length (mainly for debug purposes)

r                                     //retrieve ticket result
 :ticketNumber                        //the ticket number you want to retrieve
  • Datatosend is only required for send and srecv.
  • Socketname must be a block title in the ini file that corresponds to a socket config. This will also become the sockets identifier for Arma.
  • if datatosend is quoted (" or ') no escaping is not necessary, otherwise use (\) to escape special characters, currently (:) is the deliminator for calls and must escaped if it occurs in any field.
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